I can't believe that my baby is already 3 months old!! It makes me sad how fast time goes by and how fast he is growing. Here are some of his latest....
He loves chewing on his fists and fingers
He is 17 pounds and wearing 6-9 month clothes
He HATES his swing here but loves the one and my moms...they're exactly the same
He is sooo chatty. I think he likes to hear his own voice
He only takes a few short naps during the day but he is a good sleeper at night
He loves when I sing in silly voices and really likes when I sing Katy Perry "Firework"
He has stinky feet
He LOVES getting a bath
He has only had 1 blow out
He rarely gets fussy
He has started to grab for things! I'll hold his binky in front of him and he will reach out and grab it!!
He likes to hold my hair and touch my face
He LOVES Rob. Every time he sees him he gets a huge grin
He has a fake cry and it is really funny and cute
He also fake coughs
He is super tooty! That kid has no shame
He cries every time we sing a hymn in church
He is starting to only want to be held by me
Carson is such a joy! I LOVE every minute I get to spend with him. I am so grateful that I get to be a stay at home mom. I am loving the stage he is in now. It is so fun to watch him learn and watch him develop a personality! I LOVE BEING A MOM!!