Thursday, December 30, 2010
December 2010
Christmas came and went and it was wonderful this year. Last Christmas was mine and Rob's first one married and this one was the first Christmas with a baby! I would love for next Christmas to be our first one in our own house! Christmas eve we had my family come over. We ate, played games and opened our Christmas jammies from my mom. Later that night before bed, Rob red Luke:2 and I read The Three Trees. Christmas morning Rob and I opened our presents and then went over to my moms to wake up Mack so he could open his presents! We spent the rest of the day playing and relaxing and then had a yummy ham dinner and my moms.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Random little updates
Carson is 2 months old! He is a big healthy boy weighing in at 14 pounds. He is such a joy! His favorite things include, eating, laying on the floor and stretching out, sitting in his bouncer and kicking his legs like CRAZY, talking, smiling at mama and sucking his fist. He is a wonderful baby. He is really spoiling Rob and I. Hopefully our future children are as happy and content as he is.
Our family recently took a quick trip to Phoenix for Rob's grandma's funeral. It was a sad event but a wonderful opportunity to spend time with Rob's family. Despite being there for a funeral, we had a blast. We enjoyed eating pizza and wings several times, spending lots of time with Rob's parents and siblings, showing off our cute baby to everyone and spending time with friends. Carson did wonderfully on the airplanes. He slept the whole way there and back.
We got our Christmas tree and it is totally dead. Randomly during the day I'll hear pine needles falling off. Ah well, it looks pretty and smells good. Last Christmas was our first one as a married couple and this one will be our first one with a baby!
Our family recently took a quick trip to Phoenix for Rob's grandma's funeral. It was a sad event but a wonderful opportunity to spend time with Rob's family. Despite being there for a funeral, we had a blast. We enjoyed eating pizza and wings several times, spending lots of time with Rob's parents and siblings, showing off our cute baby to everyone and spending time with friends. Carson did wonderfully on the airplanes. He slept the whole way there and back.
We got our Christmas tree and it is totally dead. Randomly during the day I'll hear pine needles falling off. Ah well, it looks pretty and smells good. Last Christmas was our first one as a married couple and this one will be our first one with a baby!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
With it being November many people are posting something they're thankful for every day. It got me thinking about the things I am thankful for. Of course there are very obvious one but I started thinking about all the little things I am thankful for. Here are my lists
Obvious things to be thankful for
-My Rob
-My Carson
-My mom and brothers
-Rob's family
-The gospel
-The temple
-The scriptures
-Our bishop (He is amazing!)
-Our home
-Rob's job
-Our friends
-The knowledge that my family will be together forever
-Breastfeeding Carson
-Good health
Little things
-My breast pump so Rob can get up with Carson at night and feed him so I can sleep
-A daily shower
-Yummy smelling candles
-Christmas time
-My slippers
-Warm baths
-Nursing bras
-stretch mark cream
-The smell of my baby
Obvious things to be thankful for
-My Rob
-My Carson
-My mom and brothers
-Rob's family
-The gospel
-The temple
-The scriptures
-Our bishop (He is amazing!)
-Our home
-Rob's job
-Our friends
-The knowledge that my family will be together forever
-Breastfeeding Carson
-Good health
Little things
-My breast pump so Rob can get up with Carson at night and feed him so I can sleep
-A daily shower
-Yummy smelling candles
-Christmas time
-My slippers
-Warm baths
-Nursing bras
-stretch mark cream
-The smell of my baby
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
It has been 19 days since our sweet baby came into our family and life is truly wonderful. Really it is! Carson sleeps for 3 and half too 5 hours at night. It's great!It kinda freaks me out when he sleeps for 5 hours but I can't complain about getting sleep! Rob has really amazed me since we've had Carson. He is a natural!He LOVES being a dad and he loves his baby boy. He is so hands on with him and involved. He is wonderful to me as well. He'll gladly take Carson off my hands so that I can have some "Mandy time" when he gets home from work. I love it because after a long day of nursing and changing diapers, as much as I love it, (really) it's nice to be able to take a bath and read my book and just have a few minutes to myself. Rob is constantly asking if he can get me anything or if I need anything. A few days after we brought Car home he even went to the store for me to get the..."supplies" a mommy needs just after she has a baby. How sweet is that?! Oh I love him so much! I LOVE my little family!!
Carson is doing awsome! He is already 10 pounds 2 ounces and almost 23 inches! Yes I feed him buttermilk ;) I love him soooooo so so much. I miss him when he is sleeping and sometimes I'll go and just watch him sleep. He is so beautiful and SUCH a good baby. He only cries when he is hungry. At his Dr. appointment yesterday he did so well. He didn't cry at all and when they did his 2nd PKU he didn't cry! I was stressing out about it because they had to poke my baby and squeeze blood out of his foot! Carson did better then I did :) I love that I am able to stay home with him. I love every minute of it. I LOVE MY LITTLE ETERNAL FAM!!!
Carson is doing awsome! He is already 10 pounds 2 ounces and almost 23 inches! Yes I feed him buttermilk ;) I love him soooooo so so much. I miss him when he is sleeping and sometimes I'll go and just watch him sleep. He is so beautiful and SUCH a good baby. He only cries when he is hungry. At his Dr. appointment yesterday he did so well. He didn't cry at all and when they did his 2nd PKU he didn't cry! I was stressing out about it because they had to poke my baby and squeeze blood out of his foot! Carson did better then I did :) I love that I am able to stay home with him. I love every minute of it. I LOVE MY LITTLE ETERNAL FAM!!!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Our sweet baby, Carson Robert Ganem is here!! We love him so much! Here is his little story....
I woke up Saturday morning around 5:30 with a consist ant cramping pain. Like one giant never ending contraction. The pain wasn't too bad so I didn't worry about it. I went back to bed and at about 10:30 I woke up with the same pain. I called the hospital and they told me to come in. I didn't want to yet so we waited about another hour. By this time I was having regular contractions about every 3 minutes so off to Overlake we went! We got to overlake and checked in to triage. They checked me and I was only dialated to a 2 so they had me walk around for a half an hour. After the walking they checked me again and I was just a 2 and a half so they sent us home and told us to come back when the contractions get stronger. We got home and I took a bath and tried to lay down...ya right! After being home for about 4 or 5 hours we heading back to the hospital. This time they checked me in for real. By the time I was checked in and hooked up to the monitors the contractions were coming every minute and each one was more painful. They checked me and I was just only a 3. The doctor came in and broke my water. It had meconium in it so they were worried. They told me that once he was born they didn't want him to cry so they could suction him out and make sure everything was okay. At 8:15 I got my epidural and life was great. The nurse told me once I got it I could take a nap and rest....uh ya no. They checked me an hour later and I was a 9!! Then all of the sudded there were tons of nurses in the room I had oxygen on and was on all fours. Apparently mister Carson's heart had dropped really low because of how fast everything had moved. It went back up though and everything was fine. I got checked me again and I was a 10! The nurse had me do some "practice pushing" but on the first practice push she could see his head! She had the doctor come in as well was nurses from the NICU to check him out because of the mec in his water. I started pushing at 10:00 and at 10:14 Carson was born!! 8 pounds 8 ounces 21 inches long. They took him away immediately to make sure he hadn't aspirated any meconium. I had to wait about 15 minutes to see my baby!! When they brought him too me it was AMAZING!! There was my baby. In my arms. He was so beautiful and perfect and smelled so good! I really can't describe the feeling but it was magical.
I LOVE my Carson. I love that he is something that Rob and I made. He is my baby and I have loved every minute of having him home. Even when he is up every hour to nurse. When he is sleeping I miss him! He is probably the best thing I have ever smelled and I LOVE when I can smell him on me. Rob has been a great dad. He is always there to change Carson and help me with everything. He is amazing and is taking such wonderful care of me and his son. He even makes sure that I get a nap during the day. I love that. I love that when I'm napping he and Carson are having that time together. My mom has been a HUGE help too. She came over and had baby so Rob and I could sleep. She made us dinner twice and she was there for me every step of the way when I was in labor and delivery.
Carson is doing wonderfully. He is a nursing champion and is already and ounce OVER his birth weight. He only cries when he is hungry or getting changed. I love him more and more each time I look at him. He mesmerizes me. Love my Rob and my Carson. My little eternal family.
I woke up Saturday morning around 5:30 with a consist ant cramping pain. Like one giant never ending contraction. The pain wasn't too bad so I didn't worry about it. I went back to bed and at about 10:30 I woke up with the same pain. I called the hospital and they told me to come in. I didn't want to yet so we waited about another hour. By this time I was having regular contractions about every 3 minutes so off to Overlake we went! We got to overlake and checked in to triage. They checked me and I was only dialated to a 2 so they had me walk around for a half an hour. After the walking they checked me again and I was just a 2 and a half so they sent us home and told us to come back when the contractions get stronger. We got home and I took a bath and tried to lay down...ya right! After being home for about 4 or 5 hours we heading back to the hospital. This time they checked me in for real. By the time I was checked in and hooked up to the monitors the contractions were coming every minute and each one was more painful. They checked me and I was just only a 3. The doctor came in and broke my water. It had meconium in it so they were worried. They told me that once he was born they didn't want him to cry so they could suction him out and make sure everything was okay. At 8:15 I got my epidural and life was great. The nurse told me once I got it I could take a nap and rest....uh ya no. They checked me an hour later and I was a 9!! Then all of the sudded there were tons of nurses in the room I had oxygen on and was on all fours. Apparently mister Carson's heart had dropped really low because of how fast everything had moved. It went back up though and everything was fine. I got checked me again and I was a 10! The nurse had me do some "practice pushing" but on the first practice push she could see his head! She had the doctor come in as well was nurses from the NICU to check him out because of the mec in his water. I started pushing at 10:00 and at 10:14 Carson was born!! 8 pounds 8 ounces 21 inches long. They took him away immediately to make sure he hadn't aspirated any meconium. I had to wait about 15 minutes to see my baby!! When they brought him too me it was AMAZING!! There was my baby. In my arms. He was so beautiful and perfect and smelled so good! I really can't describe the feeling but it was magical.
I LOVE my Carson. I love that he is something that Rob and I made. He is my baby and I have loved every minute of having him home. Even when he is up every hour to nurse. When he is sleeping I miss him! He is probably the best thing I have ever smelled and I LOVE when I can smell him on me. Rob has been a great dad. He is always there to change Carson and help me with everything. He is amazing and is taking such wonderful care of me and his son. He even makes sure that I get a nap during the day. I love that. I love that when I'm napping he and Carson are having that time together. My mom has been a HUGE help too. She came over and had baby so Rob and I could sleep. She made us dinner twice and she was there for me every step of the way when I was in labor and delivery.
Carson is doing wonderfully. He is a nursing champion and is already and ounce OVER his birth weight. He only cries when he is hungry or getting changed. I love him more and more each time I look at him. He mesmerizes me. Love my Rob and my Carson. My little eternal family.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
This really wasn't intended to be a pregnancy blog but that's pretty much all that exists in my world right now. If you get tired of hearing about sorry. Here is a little random update of recent happenings in our little life
-I found a little stretch mark and cried about it. Rob was so sweet and hugged me and assured me that he loves me just the way I am and told me I am just as beautiful as ever.
-He meant it
-My dad moved to Georgia to be with his girlfriend. It's really weird.
- I love meat. Especially if it's bbq'd pork or any kind of beef
-I'm officially done working and not sure how I feel about it
-I got excited for fall because of the fashion and then remembered that I have a giant belly
-I've been nesting like crazy. My house has never been so clean!
-I want to do something different with my hair but I don't know what
-I'm loving this season of Project Runway but it's hard to stay awake for it all!
-I don't sleep
-We got a great rocking chair off craigslist for $50! Rob re-stained it and it looks beautiful!
We just can't wait for our baby boy to be here!!
-I found a little stretch mark and cried about it. Rob was so sweet and hugged me and assured me that he loves me just the way I am and told me I am just as beautiful as ever.
-He meant it
-My dad moved to Georgia to be with his girlfriend. It's really weird.
- I love meat. Especially if it's bbq'd pork or any kind of beef
-I'm officially done working and not sure how I feel about it
-I got excited for fall because of the fashion and then remembered that I have a giant belly
-I've been nesting like crazy. My house has never been so clean!
-I want to do something different with my hair but I don't know what
-I'm loving this season of Project Runway but it's hard to stay awake for it all!
-I don't sleep
-We got a great rocking chair off craigslist for $50! Rob re-stained it and it looks beautiful!
We just can't wait for our baby boy to be here!!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Remember my post awhile ago when I was feeling very unaccomplished? Well a few Sundays ago Rob found a piece of paper in his scriptures. On it was a list of goals we both had. It was from a Sunday school lesson we had the first month we we're married. This was my list....
-Be a mom
-Be a mom
-Be a mom
-Have my own preschool
Well I guess I HAVE accomplished something!! :)
-Be a mom
-Be a mom
-Be a mom
-Have my own preschool
Well I guess I HAVE accomplished something!! :)
Baby Shower!
Rob and I went to Phoenix for his brother Andrew's wedding. While we were there my sister in law Suzie and Andrews lovely fiance, my now sis in law, threw me a suprise baby shower!! It was so nice of them. I couldn't believe it. It was so much fun. I felt very loved :) We got lots of great gifts for Mr. baby. Thank you so much Noelle and Suzie!
Here are a few pics from the shower...

Here are a few pics from the shower...
Thursday, July 22, 2010
We are so ready for a break! Rob has been working SO much lately. It's great for the $ but we miss each other! we are ready for a much needed vacation and time together. It will be nice to have some quality time, just the 2 of us before baby gets here.
In other news, I am feeling pretty giant. Baby boy is growing a lot! I'm feeling pretty good though. Just a little uncomfortable. I can't wait for him to be here!! 12more weeks!!!
In other news, I am feeling pretty giant. Baby boy is growing a lot! I'm feeling pretty good though. Just a little uncomfortable. I can't wait for him to be here!! 12more weeks!!!
Monday, July 12, 2010
On Saturday Rob and I set our crib up! Yes, I helped. I even used a screw driver and everything! :) I love it! I keep going in baby's room and looking at. I just want him to be here! Here are a few pics of it.

After we set it up we went a got a crib mattress and I put a little blanket in it :) I've also had Rob move it in probably every possible place it could be in the room. I'm so excited for baby to get here! Only about 13 more weeks!

After we set it up we went a got a crib mattress and I put a little blanket in it :) I've also had Rob move it in probably every possible place it could be in the room. I'm so excited for baby to get here! Only about 13 more weeks!
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Made me happy
I went to the mall a few days ago and was looking at dresses. I found a darling yellow one and it was a size 4 and fit like a dream :) It made me feel less huge.
So I had a dream last night that I was in labor and the hospital was just a big room with lots of beds and lots of other women in labor. The only comfortable place for me was a rocking chair and a nurse came in and made me move so she could sit down! And then I was pushing and my older brother and dad we're watching (ew) and they we're like "I can see it!!" I got really mad and yelled. "CAN SEE WHAT?!" and then I wasn't in labor anymore and went home. Can you say random?
Work has been very different the last couple of weeks. I have all 3 girls now that school is out. It has been really fun but the oldest, has ADHD and hadn't taken her meds so she was out.of.control. She is a sweet girl and I love her but oh my, it was a long day. The baby (16 months) has been super cute lately though. And, she pees on the potty!!!
We got a new car!! No more icky for ranger! We are now the proud owners of a black jeep grand cherokee! I love it and it's a perfect little family car for us! I'm really anxious to get the car seat in it :)
So I had a dream last night that I was in labor and the hospital was just a big room with lots of beds and lots of other women in labor. The only comfortable place for me was a rocking chair and a nurse came in and made me move so she could sit down! And then I was pushing and my older brother and dad we're watching (ew) and they we're like "I can see it!!" I got really mad and yelled. "CAN SEE WHAT?!" and then I wasn't in labor anymore and went home. Can you say random?
Work has been very different the last couple of weeks. I have all 3 girls now that school is out. It has been really fun but the oldest, has ADHD and hadn't taken her meds so she was out.of.control. She is a sweet girl and I love her but oh my, it was a long day. The baby (16 months) has been super cute lately though. And, she pees on the potty!!!
We got a new car!! No more icky for ranger! We are now the proud owners of a black jeep grand cherokee! I love it and it's a perfect little family car for us! I'm really anxious to get the car seat in it :)
Monday, June 28, 2010
I've been feeling very unaccomplished and now I feel very stuck.
It's really bringing me down.
It's really bringing me down.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Kick, jab, poke.
A mother's joy begins when new life is stirring inside... when a tiny heartbeat is heard for the very first time, and a playful kick reminds her that she is never alone.
-- Author Unknown
A playful kick. I like that. I LOVE feeling bb moving around inside. Even though his favorite time to let me know he is there is right as I'm relaxing to go to sleep, I still love it. He is going crazy as I'm typing this right now. Silly boy. I wonder what in the world he is doing. It's so funny when he gets in a weird position and my belly looks all lumpy or lopsided. It's fun feeling kicks and jabs in new places too. My bladder not so much though and as he is getting bigger it's starting to hurt. Still, I love it. I'll never get used to it. Keep dancing in there baby boy. Mama loves it.
This was funny to me too...
"Life is hard enough without getting kicked from the inside."
-- Author Unknown
-- Author Unknown
A playful kick. I like that. I LOVE feeling bb moving around inside. Even though his favorite time to let me know he is there is right as I'm relaxing to go to sleep, I still love it. He is going crazy as I'm typing this right now. Silly boy. I wonder what in the world he is doing. It's so funny when he gets in a weird position and my belly looks all lumpy or lopsided. It's fun feeling kicks and jabs in new places too. My bladder not so much though and as he is getting bigger it's starting to hurt. Still, I love it. I'll never get used to it. Keep dancing in there baby boy. Mama loves it.
This was funny to me too...
"Life is hard enough without getting kicked from the inside."
-- Author Unknown
The 3 C's
Rob and I were very blessed to be able to take temple prep/marriage prep last year before we got married. They always do temple prep but Rob didn't need it being a returned missionary and what not. It was really fun because we did it an amazing couple's house that we know. They were the perfect teachers. It was also great because I was really good friends with their daughter in high school and I knew them really well and had been to their house for sleep overs and parties many times. Rob also knew them from serving in the ward. What was so great about it was that they made it more then just temple prep. They made it marriage prep as well. One of the things the brother taught us was "The 3 C's." When he brought it up his wife sort of rolled her eyes, like "here we go again." But I am so grateful he taught them to us. The 3 C's are, -Don't complain, compare or criticize. I often find these 3 things popping into my head when Rob and I are having an argument. It doesn't do us any good to complain or criticize or compare each other. I've found that remembering those things helps me communicate better and not say things I'll regret later. I'm so grateful for the gospel and the knowledge and blessing we have because of it. I'm grateful that Brother and Sister G we're called to teach temple prep. I love the temple and the spirit and peace that is felt there. I love the peace it brings into our home after returning from the temple. I'm so grateful for my loving husband and everything he does for our little family. It can get kinda crazy and stressful at times but I love it and wouldn't change it for anything.
Let me see your grill
For our anniversary Rob's parents gave us a gift certificate to Home Depot. (Thanks mom & Dad G!!) We were very excited and decided to use it to by a charcoal grill. It's been so fun having it! Rob has grilled hamburgers and hot dogs and last weekend he mae bbq ribs. YUM! My favorite part about it is that we can make smores :) mmmm

Monday, May 31, 2010
One year
Rob and I had our one year anniversary on Saturday! I can't believe it's already been a year!! I also can't believe that I'm 5 months pregnant on our one year anniversary! :)This year has been one crazy ride! We've had many many ups and few downs. It has been amazing though. We have learned so much about each other. I love that we can complete each others sentences and know what the other one is thinking. He is truly my best friend and I am so grateful that we're married. I can't wait to see what the next year has in store for us!
Friday, May 21, 2010
It's weird
When people touch your belly. Not weird when it's family but weird when it's random people at church. Maybe I should reach out and touch theirs... show them that it's not normal to touch someones stomach! It's also weird when people see you and are like "I hear your..." And then they move their hands up and down in front of their stomachs. You hear I'm what? Constipated? Bloated? Buddha?
haha that's all for now. BB wants me to have some eggos :)
haha that's all for now. BB wants me to have some eggos :)
Monday, May 17, 2010
Dreams, baby clothes, kicking and other randoms
So I will not be one of those women who love being pregnant. That is for sure. I'll tell you why I don't love it and I'll try my best not to sound whiny. I was sooo so sick. I couldn't eat and if I did, it came back up. I lost 20 pounds. I didn't have 20 pounds too loose in the first place. I didn't like my husband. I wouldn't even let him sit by me on the couch. Pretty much everything and everyone grossed me out. Luckily that was the first tri and I'm much much happier and healthier now in my second tri. There are still some things I really don't enjoy though. Peeing all.the.time. My poor little bladder. As baby grows so does my belly and insides and it hurts sometimes. I know it's normal but I tend to be a bit paranoid and always think the worst. I'm also having really awful dreams. Rob had to wake me up because I was crying the other night in my sleep and I had such a horrible one this morning I couldn't go back to sleep and had a hard time when Rob left for work. Pregnancy dreams= WAY too real. There is one thing I love about being preggers though and it's feeling baby boy move. He is very active and of course his play time is just as mama is falling asleep at night. I love it though. Rob got to feel it last night. He was so excited!! Keep moving sweet boy!! I love it!! And of course, I do love knowing that my son is growing inside me. I love knowing that I am going to be his mom.
So baby boy's (let call him bb) closet is already filling up. As soon as we found out he was a boy we went over to bell square and bought some really cute outfits and sleepers. My mom also went out and bought him a TON of clothes as well. They look so cute hanging up in his closet! I go look at them a lot during the day. So cute!!
Will I ever get used to feeling him move? Every time I feel it I get so excited. I just love it. Lately the movements have been stronger and a little higher up then usual.
In other random new, Rob and I got called to be the bear den leaders for cub scouts! I know absolutely nothing about scouts but I'm excited! I think it will be a fun thing for us to do together.
Well that's all for now. This mama is ready for bed!
So baby boy's (let call him bb) closet is already filling up. As soon as we found out he was a boy we went over to bell square and bought some really cute outfits and sleepers. My mom also went out and bought him a TON of clothes as well. They look so cute hanging up in his closet! I go look at them a lot during the day. So cute!!
Will I ever get used to feeling him move? Every time I feel it I get so excited. I just love it. Lately the movements have been stronger and a little higher up then usual.
In other random new, Rob and I got called to be the bear den leaders for cub scouts! I know absolutely nothing about scouts but I'm excited! I think it will be a fun thing for us to do together.
Well that's all for now. This mama is ready for bed!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

We are so thrilled!! The name is picked and we are just so anxious to get our sweet baby boy here!! We went over to bell square and bought some baby boy stuff right after the ultra sound. (Why didn't anyone tell me they push so hard on your belly? lol) It was so fun to see him! He was kicking back with his little legs crossed, one hand behind his head and he was sucking his little thumb. He wiggled his fingers at us :)
I love you my sweet baby boy. We can't wait to meet you!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
A couple we know is getting married next month. They wanted to know what song we used when Rob took my garter off so they can use it. That annoyed me. We got the invitation today and they're using our colors!! THE EXACT SAME ONES!!!! Really? Can't you think of things on your own? I don't know maybe it's the pregnancy hormones but I'm really really annoyed!! Gah!
Friday, April 23, 2010
Drop of a hat
Being pregnant has caused A LOT of changes in me. All you moms out there know what I mean. One of the funny ones is the crying. I have always been an emotional girl. Just ask my mom. But lately, oh man! Thankfully though, the tears have mostly been happy tears. Here are a few of the funny things that made me cry this last week.
-My older brother got mariners tickets for his birthday and the first thing he did was ask little brother Mack to go with him. It was just so sweet I couldn't help but cry.
-My grandpa in Utah called Rob on his birthday. Again, so sweet so the tears came.
This one is my favorite,
-Puss in boots from Shrek 2 when he makes big eyes. It's SOOO cute that I cried.
-My older brother got mariners tickets for his birthday and the first thing he did was ask little brother Mack to go with him. It was just so sweet I couldn't help but cry.
-My grandpa in Utah called Rob on his birthday. Again, so sweet so the tears came.
This one is my favorite,
-Puss in boots from Shrek 2 when he makes big eyes. It's SOOO cute that I cried.

Saturday, April 17, 2010
Pregnancy update
Here are some of the things I've been feeling/experiencing lately...
-NO MORE PUKING!!!!!!! At about 11 weeks, BAM no more barf! YAY!!! (I'm 14 weeks)
-Very little patience for husband :( Sorry babe I'm trying!
-WEIRD dreams. Seriously, crazy.
-Tummy sticking out a little bit. I'll post pictures in a few more weeks.
-EXTREME constipation. Gross and TMI I know, but hey other mommys know what I mean.
-Still peeing ALL the time.
-Always hungry. I just can't get enough to eat!
-Frequent headaches :(
-Pregnant brain. It's real people. I'm so forgetful!
-big boobies :)
-Easily tired
-Nose of a hound dog
-My jeans are so annoying. When I unbutton them it's the best feeling ever!
-Anemic. I need more iron.
That's all I can think of for now but over all I am feeling MUCH better then I was. I am a little stressed at the moment though. We're moving this weekend and packing is never fun. Thankfully Rob has been working really really hard. I'll post later about his birthday!
-NO MORE PUKING!!!!!!! At about 11 weeks, BAM no more barf! YAY!!! (I'm 14 weeks)
-Very little patience for husband :( Sorry babe I'm trying!
-WEIRD dreams. Seriously, crazy.
-Tummy sticking out a little bit. I'll post pictures in a few more weeks.
-EXTREME constipation. Gross and TMI I know, but hey other mommys know what I mean.
-Still peeing ALL the time.
-Always hungry. I just can't get enough to eat!
-Frequent headaches :(
-Pregnant brain. It's real people. I'm so forgetful!
-big boobies :)
-Easily tired
-Nose of a hound dog
-My jeans are so annoying. When I unbutton them it's the best feeling ever!
-Anemic. I need more iron.
That's all I can think of for now but over all I am feeling MUCH better then I was. I am a little stressed at the moment though. We're moving this weekend and packing is never fun. Thankfully Rob has been working really really hard. I'll post later about his birthday!
Sunday, March 28, 2010
For my baby
Dear baby that's growing inside me,
First of all, I love you. Your just a little peanut right now but I love you. I can't wait to find out if you are a boy or girl. I can't wait to name you and start buying things for you. You will be one very loved baby. You are the first grandchild on my side and the first great grandchild on my dad's side. Everyone is so thrilled that you will be joining this family. It is truly a wonderful family to come into. So much love.
I worry about you constantly. I hope and pray that you are growing healthy and strong and that I am providing you with everything you need. You made me one sick mama but that's okay. You're totally worth it. You also made me pee 9 times yesterday but that's a good thing. That means everything is working! :) You also make me want things like angel food cake and nerds candy and now that your growing inside me, I get it!! Whatever mommy wants, she gets.
That brings me to your daddy. He is absolutely wonderful. He treats your mama so well and that assures me that he will treat you well. He treats me like a queen and if you are a girl, sweet baby, you will be his princess and if you are a boy he will be so proud and so excited to show you how to me a man. He thinks that being a man is driving a truck and working out and getting dirty and working on cars and stuff but what he doesn't know is that the manliest thing about him is how much of an amazing husband he is. He bends over backwards for me. To make sure I'm happy and comfortable. He never ever talks down to me or makes fun of me. He never fails to tell me he loves me and even if he didn't tell me as much as he does, I would still know. I can see it in his eyes. They say that the best gift a father can give his children is to love their mother and baby of mine, he does. He will love you so much. You will bring such joy to his heart.
I often wonder what you're doing up in heaven right now. Probably hanging out with your other siblings and my grandma and auntie. When your dad and I got sealed the spirit I felt strongest in that sealing room was the presence of our children. I know you we're there watching us be sealed for time and all eternity. I like to think that my grandma is just chatting your ear off telling you all about our family. I miss her so much and it brings me comfort to think of you and your siblings up there with her.
We have still got awhile before your arrival baby. Your not even sticking out of my belly yet! But I love you and can't wait to be your mommy and hold you and care for you and teach you and guide you. I hope I can be the best for you. Your daddy and I love you and can't wait for you to be here.
Love forever,
First of all, I love you. Your just a little peanut right now but I love you. I can't wait to find out if you are a boy or girl. I can't wait to name you and start buying things for you. You will be one very loved baby. You are the first grandchild on my side and the first great grandchild on my dad's side. Everyone is so thrilled that you will be joining this family. It is truly a wonderful family to come into. So much love.
I worry about you constantly. I hope and pray that you are growing healthy and strong and that I am providing you with everything you need. You made me one sick mama but that's okay. You're totally worth it. You also made me pee 9 times yesterday but that's a good thing. That means everything is working! :) You also make me want things like angel food cake and nerds candy and now that your growing inside me, I get it!! Whatever mommy wants, she gets.
That brings me to your daddy. He is absolutely wonderful. He treats your mama so well and that assures me that he will treat you well. He treats me like a queen and if you are a girl, sweet baby, you will be his princess and if you are a boy he will be so proud and so excited to show you how to me a man. He thinks that being a man is driving a truck and working out and getting dirty and working on cars and stuff but what he doesn't know is that the manliest thing about him is how much of an amazing husband he is. He bends over backwards for me. To make sure I'm happy and comfortable. He never ever talks down to me or makes fun of me. He never fails to tell me he loves me and even if he didn't tell me as much as he does, I would still know. I can see it in his eyes. They say that the best gift a father can give his children is to love their mother and baby of mine, he does. He will love you so much. You will bring such joy to his heart.
I often wonder what you're doing up in heaven right now. Probably hanging out with your other siblings and my grandma and auntie. When your dad and I got sealed the spirit I felt strongest in that sealing room was the presence of our children. I know you we're there watching us be sealed for time and all eternity. I like to think that my grandma is just chatting your ear off telling you all about our family. I miss her so much and it brings me comfort to think of you and your siblings up there with her.
We have still got awhile before your arrival baby. Your not even sticking out of my belly yet! But I love you and can't wait to be your mommy and hold you and care for you and teach you and guide you. I hope I can be the best for you. Your daddy and I love you and can't wait for you to be here.
Love forever,
Monday, March 15, 2010
I LOVE you, but I don't really Like you right now...
Rob and I got married last May. It was so much fun being married!! He's my best friend and I couldn't wait for him to get home or for me to get home so we could be together!! We were always holding hands, hugging, kissing, ect... It was pure bliss!! Well all of that has come to a screeching halt! I love the guy but lately I just can't stand him! I don't let him touch me, kiss me basically come within 5 feet of me. I even sleep better by myself. It's so weird. I know it's these crazy pregnancy hormones. I just wish he could understand that. I'm ready to like my husband again.....
Monday, March 8, 2010
Fear #878,687,543,887
Okay maybe not THAT many but I have a lot of ridiculous fears that have been coming along with this pregnancy. I'll share just a few of them....if it's TMI for you, I apologize.
First one: I've now lost 12 pounds and I think my baby is eating my insides because I haven't been able to feed it enough. I know it is totally not happening but I just have this image of the tiny bean sized baby chomping away on my uterus. Crazy right? It gets better.
Second one: I'm afraid that when I "go potty" I might push the baby out. Isn't that how you're supposed to push when you're in labor? Gross I know, but still its a thought.
Third one: What if I poop when I really am in labor and pushing baby out. How disgusting would that be? I would be MORTIFIED!!!!!
Fourth one: This one is legit. There is a very strong possibility that I could be allergic to the epidural. I'm allergic to pretty much everything else. Can you imagine being in labor and then being coverd head to toe in a horrible itchy rash? I would like to go natural but we'll see. If Michelle Duggar can do it 19 times I can do it right? I'm tough! I've walked around with SEVERE cramps and migraines and no one even knew!
So those are just a FEW of my fears. I know they're very silly but come on, do you know who I am? :) All in all I just want a healthy baby.
First one: I've now lost 12 pounds and I think my baby is eating my insides because I haven't been able to feed it enough. I know it is totally not happening but I just have this image of the tiny bean sized baby chomping away on my uterus. Crazy right? It gets better.
Second one: I'm afraid that when I "go potty" I might push the baby out. Isn't that how you're supposed to push when you're in labor? Gross I know, but still its a thought.
Third one: What if I poop when I really am in labor and pushing baby out. How disgusting would that be? I would be MORTIFIED!!!!!
Fourth one: This one is legit. There is a very strong possibility that I could be allergic to the epidural. I'm allergic to pretty much everything else. Can you imagine being in labor and then being coverd head to toe in a horrible itchy rash? I would like to go natural but we'll see. If Michelle Duggar can do it 19 times I can do it right? I'm tough! I've walked around with SEVERE cramps and migraines and no one even knew!
So those are just a FEW of my fears. I know they're very silly but come on, do you know who I am? :) All in all I just want a healthy baby.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
2 months down, 7 more to come.
As I'm sure you've seen on FB, I'm preggers!! Yep!! Surprised? So are we :) Rob and I are thrilled though. I've always wanted to be a mom. Always. It's what I'm supposed to do. I just can't believe it though! I cannot believe that I am growing our child inside of me!!
I've been pretty sick though. Can you say nausea? I can! And it's not "morning sickness." It's all day long sickness. Days that I don't work are usually pretty good but when I have to get up at 6 in the morning and I'm exhausted I usually puke or want too. Also, NOTHING sounds good to me. I miss eating all the time and liking food. I've lost 5 pounds. Not good. I can't loose any more. Hopefully it wont last too much longer. Rob has been so sweet though. He just wants to be here for me and take care of me and make me happy even though I have been very very cranky. Thanks babe!
So yes, a baby is on the way. Our little family of 2 will be a family of 3!! My official due date is October 14th. The day after my birthday :)
I've been pretty sick though. Can you say nausea? I can! And it's not "morning sickness." It's all day long sickness. Days that I don't work are usually pretty good but when I have to get up at 6 in the morning and I'm exhausted I usually puke or want too. Also, NOTHING sounds good to me. I miss eating all the time and liking food. I've lost 5 pounds. Not good. I can't loose any more. Hopefully it wont last too much longer. Rob has been so sweet though. He just wants to be here for me and take care of me and make me happy even though I have been very very cranky. Thanks babe!
So yes, a baby is on the way. Our little family of 2 will be a family of 3!! My official due date is October 14th. The day after my birthday :)
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Seattle PD, here we don't come.
As you know, for the last year Rob has been in the testing process with the Seattle PD. He completed all the testing and did wonderfully. Thursday we got the call saying he isn't hired. They feel like "he doesn't have enough life experience." Rob grew up in a wonderful family, never got into any kind of trouble, never had any tickets so on and so on. It's frustrating knowing that because Rob has lived a honest, clean life that they don't think he can be a police officer. They told him to wait a year or two and try again. Luckily he still has AMR and that will give him all the "street smarts" he needs.
My heart just brakes for my husband. He worked so hard and his heart was so set on this. In the mean time he will become and EMT and look into smaller departments in smaller cities. He felt so discouraged. Who wouldn't? I just want him to know that I am so proud of him for all that he has done. He works so hard and he always will. Seattle PD was not the place for him to be. Never the less I am so proud and grateful to him. It is such a blessing to be his wife and I know that something will happen for him. Keep your chin up babe! I love you with all of my heart. Forever.
My heart just brakes for my husband. He worked so hard and his heart was so set on this. In the mean time he will become and EMT and look into smaller departments in smaller cities. He felt so discouraged. Who wouldn't? I just want him to know that I am so proud of him for all that he has done. He works so hard and he always will. Seattle PD was not the place for him to be. Never the less I am so proud and grateful to him. It is such a blessing to be his wife and I know that something will happen for him. Keep your chin up babe! I love you with all of my heart. Forever.
Little blessings and stroller naps.
Let me tell you about my morning yesterday, Wake up 5 minutes before I have to leave for work. No I did not wake up on my own, I slept through my alarms (yes I have 3) and woke up to a car honking its horn 3 times. Thank you Heavenly Father for that. Seriously. It was a huge blessing because I was able to get out the door and to work on time and when I got there my boss told me that they feel really blessed to have me and that I'm doing an awsome job and that they are giving me a raise! YAY!!!! Holy moly is it needed!! It's important to count our obvious blessings in life like our spouses, family, friends, the temple ect. but it is also just as important to count and be thankful for the little ones too. Like a car waking you up in the morning.
So baby that I take care of during the day REFUSES to take naps for me. She screams and screams and screams. I know she is fine but how long do I let her scream?! After 2 HOURS I got her up and she was still standing up and her pants were off....Anyway, I gave up. So I get her up and sit down with her in my arms and she is asleep within seconds. If I move, she wakes up and screams. Okay I can't sit there for 2 hours and not move. But that was what was happening everyday. The last couple of weeks though she has been getting up before 6 in the morning! So when I put her in the stroller and walk her older sisters to the bus stop she falls asleep!!! So, I push the stroller into the house and that is where she has been taking her 3 to 3 and half hour naps!!! YAY!! Hey it might not be the crib but I don't care she is sleeping and that's what counts!
So baby that I take care of during the day REFUSES to take naps for me. She screams and screams and screams. I know she is fine but how long do I let her scream?! After 2 HOURS I got her up and she was still standing up and her pants were off....Anyway, I gave up. So I get her up and sit down with her in my arms and she is asleep within seconds. If I move, she wakes up and screams. Okay I can't sit there for 2 hours and not move. But that was what was happening everyday. The last couple of weeks though she has been getting up before 6 in the morning! So when I put her in the stroller and walk her older sisters to the bus stop she falls asleep!!! So, I push the stroller into the house and that is where she has been taking her 3 to 3 and half hour naps!!! YAY!! Hey it might not be the crib but I don't care she is sleeping and that's what counts!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Having a hard time.
Sigh....where to start?? I'll just say this. When will the trials and struggles end? I know the answer to that but I'm frustrated. The last few months have been really hard. I had to get a new job that pays ALOT less then the other one. We have been in our ward for 8 months and just got home teachers and we still feel new. Why do people act like we're invisible? We are always smiling and as far as I know look friendly. Our lease is up in April and unless something drastically changes I have no idea how we are going to move of even be able to stay here because our rent will go up. Rob was supposed to start the new hire class for AMR February 8Th but they called and said they're not having a Feb. class now. Great. We we're so excited for that and needed that. Ah well...maybe February will be better then the last few months were...
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
I've done it again....

Monday, January 11, 2010
EMT or Police officer......
My wonderful husband is the most determined man I have ever known. He is so driven. His dream is to be a police officer and he is getting closer and closer to that dream. His detective called last week to set up Rob's polygraph and physc test. It's an all day thing. After that he'll meet with a phychiatrist just to make absolute sure that he isn't crazy :) This is pretty much the last step in the testing process. If all goes well, and my husband isn't crazy the next step is hiring him. He goes in for the psycho testing on Thursday the 21st. Wish him luck! Rob also just had an interview with AMR and got his state test score back. 85%! My husband is officially WA state EMT certified!! He took the physical test for AMR today and passed that too! It's looking like both the police and AMR will be looking to hire him here in the next couple of months! I'm so proud of him for working hard to achieve his dreams!
That is all for now, the dove chocolate in the kitchen is calling for me...
That is all for now, the dove chocolate in the kitchen is calling for me...
Dental Anxiety....
Ok so I have horrible teeth. Blame it on bad enamel, family with bad teeth or just a horrible lack of flossing my whole life. Anyway, just before thanksgiving I had a back molar break. Just a tiny bit. We went down to Phoenix to spend Thanksgiving with Rob's family and had a blast except for, that's when the pain started. I managed it with Tylenol and not chewing on that side. That seemed to help. Well once we got home, the pain just got worse and worse and worse. I was having to take 4 rapid release Tylenol every 4 hours. It was the only thing that would take the pain somewhat away. (ya my liver is probably hating me now) Long story short, after about a month of HORRIBLE pain, night with no sleep, meltdowns, and lots of Tylenol we we're able to get approves for "Care Credit." It's like a dental credit card. Being a newly married couple without dental insurance it was our only option. My amazing mother was able to find a dentist that would see me that day. After two hours in the chair, an infection so bad that I couldn't get all the way numb and 3 removed nerves, I am very happy to say that I am PAIN FREE!!!!!! YAY!!!!!
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