Wednesday, June 16, 2010
The 3 C's
Rob and I were very blessed to be able to take temple prep/marriage prep last year before we got married. They always do temple prep but Rob didn't need it being a returned missionary and what not. It was really fun because we did it an amazing couple's house that we know. They were the perfect teachers. It was also great because I was really good friends with their daughter in high school and I knew them really well and had been to their house for sleep overs and parties many times. Rob also knew them from serving in the ward. What was so great about it was that they made it more then just temple prep. They made it marriage prep as well. One of the things the brother taught us was "The 3 C's." When he brought it up his wife sort of rolled her eyes, like "here we go again." But I am so grateful he taught them to us. The 3 C's are, -Don't complain, compare or criticize. I often find these 3 things popping into my head when Rob and I are having an argument. It doesn't do us any good to complain or criticize or compare each other. I've found that remembering those things helps me communicate better and not say things I'll regret later. I'm so grateful for the gospel and the knowledge and blessing we have because of it. I'm grateful that Brother and Sister G we're called to teach temple prep. I love the temple and the spirit and peace that is felt there. I love the peace it brings into our home after returning from the temple. I'm so grateful for my loving husband and everything he does for our little family. It can get kinda crazy and stressful at times but I love it and wouldn't change it for anything.
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Oh that's great advice! Thanks for sharing the 3 C's.