Ok, time to open up.
About a year ago Rob and I really started to struggle. We were not getting along. At all. It was so hard. Both of us were unhappy. We were so conflicted and confused. We knew what we were supposed to be together. We knew that Heavenly Father brought us to each other for a reason and we knew that we were sealed for time and all eternity. To question that is not fun. It's pretty heartbreaking actually. We felt so disconnected and distant from each other. We were growing apart and we were growing apart fast. I didn't know what to do. Rob didn't know what to do. We were both having thoughts of calling it off. Finally after many, many tears, fights, making up and then fighting the next day we went to see the bishop. He referred us to a counselor. I made the appointment. At first I was a little reluctant and skeptical but then I decided to be open minded because I love my Rob and I wanted to make it work. Rob was a little reclucant too.
We have been in counseling for 6 weeks now and we have never been better. I think the issue was, we are both very young and really didn't know how to be married. Our communication was really. We have now learned how to communicate better with one another and listen much better. I have never been happier in this relationship and neither had Rob. We feel so close and so in love. We still have disagreements sometimes but we both know how to work it out and get over and smile and be happy. I know without a doubt that Rob is supposed to be my eternal companion and the father of my children. I am grateful that we are getting through this now. I know that as we go through life we will run into many more struggles and trials but we will face them together.
Married friends: Have you ever been through this? What do you do when you are having problems? How do you reconnect that love?