Wake up to have prayer with Rob and give him a hug and kiss before he leaves for work
Go back to sleep
5 minutes later Carson wakes up
Bring him into bed with me and give him a bottle
Carson eats and stays awake
Get up and put Carson on the floor to play
Carson cries
Pick Carson up
Sit on the couch with Carson
Carson cries
Text Rob and tell him Carson is crabby
I stand up, he stops
Walk around for a minute
Sit down
Carson cries
Stand up, he stops crying
Go into Carson's room to change him
He screams
Change poopy diaper
Put a new shirt on him
That's as far as we got for clothes
Pick baby up and walk around some more
Ignore text from Rob because I'm jealous that he isn't having to deal with this ( That's fair right?)
Try to put Carson down for a nap
No such luck
Eat lunch while holding baby
Check email while holding baby
Try to put Carson in bouncer so I can Shower
Ya right
Put Carson to bed with a bottle hoping he falls asleep
Hear him talking in his crib a few minutes later
Feel glad that he is content right now
He starts crying again
Get baby and hold him and walk around
Mom comes over and crabby baby is suddenly happy
Visit with mom for a bit
Starting to get hungry
Mom leaves
Try to order pizza
They say delivery time is an hour and a half
Cancel order
Become very crabby
Call Rob crying because I'm so frustrated
He texts me and says he couldn't do what I do.
That makes me feel better
Put baby to bed and let him cry for a few minutes
He gets tired
Give him baba
He sleeps :)
That was our day today. Carson was so crabby. He is teething and has been for a couple of months now. He is usually so happy so today was a change for us. He is sleeping peacefully now and he is just so precious. I want to go pick him up and snuggle him but I wont. He needs to sleep. He didn't get much of a nap today.
As hard as today was, I wouldn't have it any other way. I love being Carson's mom. I love that I get to be home with him. I am also so grateful that Rob has the weekend off and J and I have a girls day in a few weeks!! Hello pedis and girl time!! Oh and btw, I felt bad for taking my stress out on my helpless husband and apologized. I love him. Good thing he loves me and is patient with me. I love my boys.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
He is so sweet.
I love my Rob. Love him for so many reasons. One of them being how cute and sweet he is. He leaves for work before Carson and I are awake and I often find a cute little note on the white board waiting for me when I get up. I love it. It makes my day. Remember this post? Well this morning this is what I found waiting for me.
A heart made out of my favorite Easter candy. How cute is that?! I love him :)
A heart made out of my favorite Easter candy. How cute is that?! I love him :)
Day 8: A picture that makes you laugh
This picture cracks me up. That's what you get for taking a picture with a nakie baby boy! So silly!Picture found here.
Mystery Smell
This last week has been really fun and eventful! We went to the zoo with B and J and their kids, T and T. It was a nice day and not too busy. I think the high light for the husbands was watching one gorilla eat its own poop and the other one was throwing up and then eating that. EW! Just thinking about it makes me gag. Rob took a video of it and there is no way I'm posting it. Ew. No. My brother works at the zoo so we got to see him which was awesome! Carson LOVES his unlces and he was really happy to see him. Just as we were leaving it started to down pour so it was perfect timing.
Yesterday we went on a day date with B and J ( Get used to hearing about them, we hang out all the time) We went to Buffalo exchange which is a thrift store but with nice stuff. I got a pair of guess jeans for 16 dollars and J got coach shoes for 28 dollars! I used to be pretty anti-thrift store but they have converted me! It was great! After that we went out to dinner and ate some delicious food. It was really really fun to spend time together without kids/baby. I love being able to hold Rob's hand too. When we have Car with us we can't because someone is holding him or the diaper bag or pushing a stroller, etc. so it's nice when we can do that.
Today when Car and I got up there was a nasty smell coming from his room and the hallway/kitchen. I could not figure out what it was. I did the dishes, washed the laundry, washed all his sheets and blankets, checked his room for an old diaper or bottle that had fallen behind his crib but I couldn't find anything and it still smelled. I have decided that it was his laundry. Maybe there was some clothes that he peed in that got yucky.... I'm still not sure that was it but luckily the smell is gone and I have a very clean house!
We also tried on some really cool sun glasses ;)
Yesterday we went on a day date with B and J ( Get used to hearing about them, we hang out all the time) We went to Buffalo exchange which is a thrift store but with nice stuff. I got a pair of guess jeans for 16 dollars and J got coach shoes for 28 dollars! I used to be pretty anti-thrift store but they have converted me! It was great! After that we went out to dinner and ate some delicious food. It was really really fun to spend time together without kids/baby. I love being able to hold Rob's hand too. When we have Car with us we can't because someone is holding him or the diaper bag or pushing a stroller, etc. so it's nice when we can do that.
Today when Car and I got up there was a nasty smell coming from his room and the hallway/kitchen. I could not figure out what it was. I did the dishes, washed the laundry, washed all his sheets and blankets, checked his room for an old diaper or bottle that had fallen behind his crib but I couldn't find anything and it still smelled. I have decided that it was his laundry. Maybe there was some clothes that he peed in that got yucky.... I'm still not sure that was it but luckily the smell is gone and I have a very clean house!
We also tried on some really cool sun glasses ;)
Sunday, March 27, 2011
I had this little conversation with my sleeping husband last night
It started out with Rob laughing.
Me: What's funny?
Rob: That noise you're making.
Me: I'm not making a noise.
Rob: The mannequins.
Rob: You're dressing them.
Me: Oookay.....
And that was it. He is so random!
Me: What's funny?
Rob: That noise you're making.
Me: I'm not making a noise.
Rob: The mannequins.
Rob: You're dressing them.
Me: Oookay.....
And that was it. He is so random!
Day 7: A picture of your most treasured item
I don't like to think of my son as an "item" but he is what I treasure most. There is nothing I love more then him. He brings me, and everyone else that meets him, an infinite amount of joy. He warms my heart everyone second I am with him. I would do ANYTHING for this sweet baby. I am so grateful for him. I love you forever my sweet Carson.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Day 6: A picture of someone you would trade places with for a day
I would trade places for ONE day with a working mom. I LOVE being a stay at home mommy but sometimes I need a break! There have been times where I just want to go to work for a day that way, I can get a break but also be able to appreciate being a stay at home mom more. Not that I don't appreciate it, I really do. I am so thankful that I get to stay at home with my sweet baby and so grateful to Rob for working so hard for our family but a break for ONE day would be nice. Good thing my friend J and I are planning a girls day next month. Just her and I. No kids or baby. Woohoo!!
(I really hope this post doesn't offend anyone or make me sound like a monster. Again, it's just ONE day.)
Friday, March 25, 2011
Day 5: A picture of your favorite memory
Ok, it was really hard to just pick ONE favorite memory so I chose when we found out I was pregnant. We were so suprised!! We just looked at it then looked at each other and laughed and laughed. And hugged and kissed and laughed some more!! So much fun and now we have the most amazing baby ever!!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Day 3: A picture of the cast from your favorite TV show
I have 2 favorite shows. The office and Will and Grace. They are both so hilarious and literally make me laugh out loud.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Day 2: A picture of the person you've been closest with the longest
A and I (aka Meedle or Mer) and I were best friends all through out jr. high and the beginning of high school. We lost touch for a few years but we've recently reconnected and it's great! She is the only friend that I have had that shares the same weirdness as I do. We have so many inside jokes and fun memories. This picture pretty much sums up our friendship :)
Monday, March 21, 2011
New couches
Day 1: A picture of yourself with 15 facts

1. I LOVE having a family
2. Now that I'm a stay at home mom I actually ENJOY cleaning and organizing
3. After being pregnant the thought of drinking ginger ale literally makes me feel sick
4. I'm really open and will talk to pretty much anyone about pretty much anything
5. I love when I can get some alone time. It's rare these days
6. I love ballet. Both dancing it and watching it
7. I love wearing heels
8. My hair is falling out REALLY badly and I hate it
9. My son is my most favorite person in the whole world
10. I love sunshine and wish it would come out more often
11. I HATE working out
12. I love mountain dew
13. I can't sleep unless I have socks on
14. I hate going to the dentist
15. My husband is my best friend
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
We have been busy busy busy the last few weeks and it has been really fun! Here are some of the things we have been up to.
Hanging out with our friends B and J. Rob works with B and they are pretty good buddies. We went over to their house over the summer when I was preggers and then didn't get together again until after we had Carson. Well recently we have been hanging out a lot. I mean, pretty much every other day. It is so much fun! We all just click. It's like we have been friends forever. It is also really nice having friends with kids because they just get it. We don't have to feel bad when Car gets fussy because they totally understand. Rob and B are really good buddies and J and I totally hit it off. Her family is in town this week and we're having with drawls from each other ;) But seriously, we love them and their cute kids and we are grateful for their friendship.
We got to see the girls I used to nanny perform Irish Dance at the Seattle center! It was so much fun! I love these girls so much and seeing them perform was so special to me! I had to hold back tears when they first came out :) They were beautiful. It was fun to be in Seattle too. The center house is right next where I took ballet for 10 years. It brought back many wonderful memories.
I hate our couches. They look nice but they are not comfy AT ALL. They aren't the kind of couches you can kick back and lounge on. The other day Rob and I were at Fred Meyer and saw some beautiful couches on sale. I fell in love. I would have bought them right there on the spot if Rob let me. He told me that if I sold the couches we have now, then we can get the new ones. So what did I do? Sold the couches!! The only problem is, I sold them Tuesday night and we don't get the new ones until Friday so we have an empty living room of a few days. My friend J said that we can play leap frog and red roover with all the space we have now :) I am BEYOND excited for the new ones. I will post pics once they are here.
Carson is growing like crazy. He is 9 pounds 6 ounces and 27 inches long. He wears size 9 month clothes! He is so much fun! He has the funniest, happiest personality. And he is loud!! He loves to talk and hear his own voice. It is just so cute!! His newest trick is sucking his toes. He is such a joy. I love the spirit he brings into our home.
That is all I can think of right now. I know there is more but I have a yucky head cold and don't feel like thinking any more ;) I'll post again when I can smell and taste.
Hanging out with our friends B and J. Rob works with B and they are pretty good buddies. We went over to their house over the summer when I was preggers and then didn't get together again until after we had Carson. Well recently we have been hanging out a lot. I mean, pretty much every other day. It is so much fun! We all just click. It's like we have been friends forever. It is also really nice having friends with kids because they just get it. We don't have to feel bad when Car gets fussy because they totally understand. Rob and B are really good buddies and J and I totally hit it off. Her family is in town this week and we're having with drawls from each other ;) But seriously, we love them and their cute kids and we are grateful for their friendship.
We got to see the girls I used to nanny perform Irish Dance at the Seattle center! It was so much fun! I love these girls so much and seeing them perform was so special to me! I had to hold back tears when they first came out :) They were beautiful. It was fun to be in Seattle too. The center house is right next where I took ballet for 10 years. It brought back many wonderful memories.
I hate our couches. They look nice but they are not comfy AT ALL. They aren't the kind of couches you can kick back and lounge on. The other day Rob and I were at Fred Meyer and saw some beautiful couches on sale. I fell in love. I would have bought them right there on the spot if Rob let me. He told me that if I sold the couches we have now, then we can get the new ones. So what did I do? Sold the couches!! The only problem is, I sold them Tuesday night and we don't get the new ones until Friday so we have an empty living room of a few days. My friend J said that we can play leap frog and red roover with all the space we have now :) I am BEYOND excited for the new ones. I will post pics once they are here.
Carson is growing like crazy. He is 9 pounds 6 ounces and 27 inches long. He wears size 9 month clothes! He is so much fun! He has the funniest, happiest personality. And he is loud!! He loves to talk and hear his own voice. It is just so cute!! His newest trick is sucking his toes. He is such a joy. I love the spirit he brings into our home.
That is all I can think of right now. I know there is more but I have a yucky head cold and don't feel like thinking any more ;) I'll post again when I can smell and taste.
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