Saturday, March 26, 2011

Day 6: A picture of someone you would trade places with for a day

I would trade places for ONE day with a working mom. I LOVE being a stay at home mommy but sometimes I need a break! There have been times where I just want to go to work for a day that way, I can get a break but also be able to appreciate being a stay at home mom more. Not that I don't appreciate it, I really do. I am so thankful that I get to stay at home with my sweet baby and so grateful to Rob for working so hard for our family but a break for ONE day would be nice. Good thing my friend J and I are planning a girls day next month. Just her and I. No kids or baby. Woohoo!!

(I really hope this post doesn't offend anyone or make me sound like a monster. Again, it's just ONE day.)

1 comment:

  1. EVERY mommy needs to recharge her batteries by spending some time outside of the home with no kids. Even if it's just for a couple of hours! I honestly have never met a mommy who came back from a day out being a horrible mommy. Now, if I could swing it to take a week off like my girlfriend did (who stayed with me), I'd be all over that...

