Friday, April 8, 2011


Carson is now eating baby food and he loves it!! I also love that he now has less bottles which means we don't go through formula as fast which means saving money! Anyway, tonight Carson's dinner was green beans mixed with rice cereal. He loved it and ate it super fast. The only problem, it looked a lot like his poop.

Rob's birthday is a week from today! I am very excited!! So is he :)

Who ever said that you don't have cramps during "that time of the month" after you have a baby was wrong.

Carson has a tooth!!! The little white friend has made it's debut! It's about time!

I'm sad that this season of teen mom is over.

I am so excited that Rob only works 2 days next week!

My hair is now red! Well not red, red but kind of purpley, redish, auburnish. I love it and so does the hubby.

I am really looking forward to our vacation this summer!

And lastly I would like to thank whoever invented these.....

It cheers up my crabby baby instantly. He is enjoying a peach at the moment. And yes, it makes for a very sticky baby but that's what baby wipes and baths are for :)


  1. Your comment about the cramps after having a baby made me say... "WTH?" I have never heard of that and whoever told you that is lying. LYING.

    Now that we're all done with the sick-biz, let's get together this week. :)

    Love you!

  2. Just so you know making your own baby food is super easy and a TON cheaper then buying it. If you need help getting started just let me know. I'd be happy to come over and help out. I'm telling you it saves so much more money then a reduced formula bill!

  3. Aunt Sara, Yes lets get together this week!!

    Debbie, I would love if you came over and helped me make baby food!
