Monday, May 2, 2011


 Rob and I will be celebrating 2 years of marriage this month! I have some ideas for him that I am really excited about! More on that after the 29th :)

Carson is 22 pounds 6 ounces and 29 inches tall. He is wearing size 12-18 month size clothes and the boy is only 6 months old...

It makes me sad at how fast he is growing. Stay my tiny baby forever!! Oh wait, too late. You're already huge and you have 2 teefies! (teeth) ;)

I gave up drinking mountain dew. I gave it up because A. I was drinking WAY too much of it which increased my anxiety and made me not able to sleep. B. Because it's horrible for you and C. Because Rob said I could get a new Coach purse if I didn't have any for 90 day.

Ya I lasted 2 weeks. I gave in. I talked myself into it by saying that I already have 2 coach purses, a coach wallet and shoes and I didn't really like any of this seasons bags. Sad huh?

I used to be able to read a book a day. I love reading. Love it. Now, having a crazy busy 6 month old, that is no longer the case. I find little moments here and there to read and now reading one book takes weeks. I would love a vacation where I could go to just read and read.

Rob has been eating a lot healthier and working out. He has always been super gorgeous and sexy but he is looking mighty fine! Mmm I just love that man!!!

I am now a nursery leader at church. It's so fun and nice that I can bring Car with me and he can just play. I do miss helping Rob teach the 13 year olds though.

We are going on vacation end of June!! We are so excited!! We're going to Colorado with Rob's family. We can't wait! We are driving so we'll also stop and stay in Utah for a few days so we'll get to see family there as well!!

Why do you get less diapers for more money the bigger they get?

Carson has been sleeping really well the last few nights which results in a wonderful nights sleep and a soaking wet baby and sheets. I have washed his bedding so many times lately.

That's all I can think of right now. Be back soon!!


  1. If he continues to sleep so well every night and continues to have wet sheets... you can also put two diapers on him with a slit in the first one. The second diaper will absorb any extra liquid.... meaning less sheet laundry.

  2. Thanks Noelle! I've done this the last few nights and Carson and sheets have stayed dry!

  3. You could also try using the next bigger size diaper. Bigger diapers hold more.
