Thursday, December 30, 2010

December 2010

Christmas came and went and it was wonderful this year. Last Christmas was mine and Rob's first one married and this one was the first Christmas with a baby! I would love for next Christmas to be our first one in our own house! Christmas eve we had my family come over. We ate, played games and opened our Christmas jammies from my mom. Later that night before bed, Rob red Luke:2 and I read The Three Trees. Christmas morning Rob and I opened our presents and then went over to my moms to wake up Mack so he could open his presents! We spent the rest of the day playing and relaxing and then had a yummy ham dinner and my moms.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

I just want to say how thankful I am for my family. My mom and my aunties are AMAZING women full of knowledge, advice, love and support. How could they not be? Their mother was amazing. A girl needs that in her life and I am truly grateful. I don't know what I would do without them.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Random little updates

Carson is 2 months old! He is a big healthy boy weighing in at 14 pounds. He is such a joy! His favorite things include, eating, laying on the floor and stretching out, sitting in his bouncer and kicking his legs like CRAZY, talking, smiling at mama and sucking his fist. He is a wonderful baby. He is really spoiling Rob and I. Hopefully our future children are as happy and content as he is.

Our family recently took a quick trip to Phoenix for Rob's grandma's funeral. It was a sad event but a wonderful opportunity to spend time with Rob's family. Despite being there for a funeral, we had a blast. We enjoyed eating pizza and wings several times, spending lots of time with Rob's parents and siblings, showing off our cute baby to everyone and spending time with friends. Carson did wonderfully on the airplanes. He slept the whole way there and back.

We got our Christmas tree and it is totally dead. Randomly during the day I'll hear pine needles falling off. Ah well, it looks pretty and smells good. Last Christmas was our first one as a married couple and this one will be our first one with a baby!