Friday, June 17, 2011

15 for Friday

1. I got my first paycheck last night. It feels good to be bringing in money again.
2. Carson is cutting his 2 top teeth and he is CRABBY. Poor baby.
3. Less then 2 weeks and we'll be on vacation!!
4. I tried making these yesterday but they didn't turn out very well. The frosting is delish though so I saved it and I am going to make cinnamon rolls and use the cream cheese frosting for them!
5. Carson didn't pee the bed last night!!!!
6. There are some weird shows on the kids sprout channel.
7. Can it be summer yet? I need some sunshine. I am hating this cloudy rainy crap.
8. I really really really want a kitty. (No mom, I am not taking May-may back. She hates Carson....and she smells)
9. I am in need of a new book but I really don't have time to read.
10. Working with a 8 week old has been so fun. He is so tiny and so fun to snuggle.
11. School is just about out and for the next 3 months I will avoid the mall like the plague. Too many pre-teens.
12. Do any of you use mineral make up? What do you think? Would you reccomend it?
13. I wish I could paint my nails. With an 8 month old there is no time. Oh well, guess I'll just have to go get a mani pedi! :)
14. My happy pills cause night sweats and it is SO ANNOYING!!!!!
15. Deadliest Catch is my and Rob's new show. It's really good and interesting!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Carson will be 8 months old on Thursday!!! I can't believe how fast he is growing up! Here are some updates of our sweet baby boy!!

He is HUGE. He is wearing size 18 month clothes and he is just about in size 24 months.
He is finally sitting up on his own. It's so cute and he is much happier when he is playing.
He is loud! He makes all sorts of funny noises. His favorite on is blowing rasberries.
He doesn't cry when he wakes up, he just talks and sings. It is the sweetest thing to wake up to in the morning.
He says, "dada" It is so adorable.
He is a wild man in church. 
He loves other babies.
He loves taking baths and splashing and getting mama all wet!
He is a great eater!! He'll eat whatever I give him. So far he hasn't disliked anything. He gets that from his dad :)
He loves to "drum" on things.
He loves my mom's cat Chopper. And Chopper is a great cat and puts up with Car pulling on him.
He loves his uncles Ty and Mack! I can't wait for him to meet his other uncles and aunts in just a couple of weeks!!
He loves to see other babies laughing. When he is really crabby we watch babies laughing on youtube. Instant cheerer upper!!
He has just started pulling my hair! Ouch!!
He thinks getting dressed/undressed is hilarious. Every time I put his arms in his sleeves he cracks up!
He loves to look at pictures of us and our family members.
He is getting his top teefies!!
He loves getting his picture taken and he makes the same face every time.
He loves people. This kid does not have a shy bone in his body. He will smile at anyone he sees and will let anyone hold him. It's cute right now but it worries me for when he is older. He reminds me of a cousin I have. When he was about 3 his mom would have to tell him, "We don't hug strangers." I have a feeling that's how Carson will be :)
He is heavy. About 25 pounds. I am seriously getting some defined arms.
He is getting more and more hair and it is so blonde! I love it!
He still looks just like his daddy! I love that too :)

Carson is a wonderful baby. He is such a joy! I honestly miss him and night when he's in bed. (I think I'm more attached to him than he is to me!) He makes Rob and I happy each and every day and we can't wait to see what the future holds for this special little boy!! I love you Carson Robert!!

Carson's camera faces

Friday, June 10, 2011

15 for friday memory style

For this weeks 15 for Friday I am going to do some random memories as well and random facts

Our cat had kittens when my little brother was 4 or 5. He put one of the kitties in the fridge. Luckily it wasn't in there very long.

When I was 2 and 3 I would put my toys in the fridge because I liked them cold.

I was allowed to wear glitter and lip gloss when I was 12. I thought I looked so good.

My brother and I had bunk beds when we were little. I was always a little scared that the top bunk would fall through on top of me.

My dad used to play pretty pretty princess with me.

Today I found a cheerio in my pocket. Thanks Car :)

I can successfully change a dirty diaper in the dark.

I started watching a 2 year old and 7 week old part time. Their mom was really worried because 2 year old doesn't take to new people to well. Music to my ears? 2 year old kept saying, "I having so much fun!!!" Her name for me is "Manny that is nice" :)

Carson loves to watch babies laughing on youtube. It's so cute!

Our vacation is in 2 and a half weeks!!

Watching the show 16 and pregnant is really depressing.

I know sooo many people getting married this summer!  It is so exciting!!

I think Rob's muscles are so sexy!! (Tmi?)

The last class of the month was always Parent Watch Day when I was in ballet. One of the times the parents were watching I totally fell in the middle of the floor.

Poor Car is teething again. He is getting his top teefies!! Unfortunately he has woken up 3 times since he went to bed.

Have a great weekend!!!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Thank you

This post is dedicated to all of the people who work in the medical field...
 Last week Rob had a patient who shot himself in the mouth. The shot went all the way through his head. Rob said there was blood pouring out of the hole in his head. The man died at the hospital. Once he died the doctor let Rob touch his brain! Ew!! It amazes me that there are people out there who can do that. I have so much respect for you all.
 Rob shared with me a call that another crew at his work had. The abuse they're patient is so evil, sickening, disgusting and heart breaking that I wont post about it. All I will say is that the EMT's, nurses and doctors that cared for this young patient are incredible and special people. As soon as Rob told me about what had happened I was immediately nauseated and later that night as I lay in bed thinking about it, I cried. If that was my job I wouldn't last a day. I would have quit right there on the spot.
 So, all of you out there in the medical field, thank you. Thank you for doing what you do. You truly amaze me. I have so much respect for you.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Love this :)

I'm trying

Lately, this primary song has been playing in my head. You can listen to it here.

1. I’m trying to be like Jesus;

I’m following in his ways.

I’m trying to love as he did, in all that I do and say.

At times I am tempted to make a wrong choice,

But I try to listen as the still small voice whispers,

2. I’m trying to love my neighbor;

I’m learning to serve my friends.

I watch for the day of gladness when Jesus will come again.

I try to remember the lessons he taught.

Then the Holy Spirit enters into my thoughts, saying:


“Love one another as Jesus loves you.

Try to show kindness in all that you do.

Be gentle and loving in deed and in thought,

For these are the things Jesus taught.”

This is how I need to live. I have really been trying to make a conscience effort to be more Christ-like. It started with a dream. I had a dream that someone in my family died. It was really sad. This person has not always made the best choices and has caused some serious pain in our family. It had caused me to have horrible dreams, lose a lot of trust and carry a lot of hurt and anger around with me. This family member has apologized to me but I don't think I ever truly forgave that person. After that dream I had I decided that it is time to let go of the pain and hurt and truly forgive. I can't even explain how much better and happier I feel inside. This person is trying to live a good life and make better choices and I need to respect that. I'll be honest, at first I was a little skeptical. I didn't truly believe that this person was really as genuine as they said they were. I grew up seeing this person not go to church much, not read scriptures with our family and just not really honor his priesthood. But who am I to judge this persons worthiness or testimony? Who am I to decide if it is real or fake? It is my job to give this person the benefit of the doubt and see the good and positive things.

Another reason for not fully forgiving was the fear of being hurt again. This person and I have had our bad times. I have come to realize that if I do get hurt again, then it is on that person's shoulders. Not mine. That person will be the one accountable. We will all be judged one day and accountable for our actions while here on earth. It is up to me to be loving and supportive of the good and positive things.

I feel like this post is kind of all over the place. I a nutshell, I am trying to be like Jesus. Living this way has brought much inner peace. Now, I am not perfect. No where near it but I can try my best to not judge. It's not my place and it would only cause pain to myself and others.