Sunday, October 23, 2011

My baby is ONE!!!!

Happy birthday Carson Boy!!!!

On October 16th my baby turned one year old!! He had a great day! Rob and I kept saying "Happy birthday!!!" And Carson would reach his arms up in the air and laugh and clap. To celebrate we had my mom, my 2 brothers and B and J and their kids come over for cake and presents. At first Car wasn't too sure about the cake but eventually he dug in. I'm pretty sure more of it ended up on his face and hands rather in his mouth though ;) Car got a ton of new toys and he is in heaven with so many new things to play with! Thank you to everyone that wished him happy birthday!! 

Here are some of his latest....

-He still loves pretty much anything to eat. He does not care too much for fruit though. He loves his veggies.
-He isn't walking yet but that's okay! 
-Still no stranger danger for this kid. He loves anyone! 
-He doesn't prefer one parent over the other except in the morning. He would rather I get him up and hold him for a few minutes. It doesn't take long for him to warm up to dada though! :)
-He has discovered that he can take of his pants. He only does it when he is supposed to be napping.
-He is hilarious! He is always cracking us, and himself up!
-He is pretty much always happy. 
-When I go to the bathroom he sticks his chubby fingers under the door. Make me laugh out loud every time!
-He LOVES bath time! We have to spell bath because if he hears us say it he starts heading for the bathroom.
-He repeats pretty much everything we tell him to say!
-He is never quiet. That boy has so much to say all the time. I love it!
-He has done amazing without having bottles anymore. I was worried about it but he doesn't miss them.
-He is FINALLY sleeping through the night! We're talking 12 hours straight! It's wonderful, even though I miss giving him midnight snuggles. (I may or may not tip toe into his room while he is asleep, pick him up and rock him for a few minutes)
-He is getting molars on the bottom and it's so painful. The poor boy is such a slow teether. His teeth take forever to come in. 
-One of his favorite things to do right now is take things out. Example, he'll take all the toys out of  the bins, clothes out of a drawer, blankets/binkys out of his crib, pots and pans out of the cupboard. 
-He is also really into banging things together to make noise. 

Carson is SUCH a joy and light in our lives. This last year has been so incredible. It went by way to fast but we have loved every minute of it! It is so bitter-sweet that his is one!! I look forward to watching him continue to learn and grow this next year! 

Friday, October 14, 2011

Goodbye 21 hello 30.....Uh I mean 22

I am now officially 22! Ugh that just sounds so young! I feel like I'm 30 :) Hopefully by the time I really am 30 we'll have lots more babies!

Rob worked on my actual birthday but my wonderful, beautiful friend J and her darling kiddos came over and brought me lunch, a gift and an awesome cake made out of maple bars! How amazing is that?! We had fun chatting and eating and the kids were extremely well behaved! Such a great friend to come and spend the afternoon with me! My wonderful and beautiful mama also stopped by with some beautiful flowers and an ice cream cake! These ladies sure know how to make me happy!! 

Tonight we are all celebrating together. My fam is coming over and we'll have dinner and cake!

Anyway for my birthday post I am going to post 22 facts about myself that you probably didn't know. Here goes....

1. I can put my feet behind my head.
2. I hate brownies and pie.
3. I can't sleep unless I am wearing socks.
4. Speaking of sleep, I LOVE IT! I could seriously sleep for 18 hours a day....if I didn't have a life.
5. Snickerdoodles are my all time favorite cookie.
6. Spiders make me cry.
7. I don't believe in big foot.
8. I love my sweet son so much it makes me cry.
9. I absolutely love to dance. Ballet is my happy place.
10. I love to have everything neat and tidy. I can't go to bed if there are dishes in the sink.
11. I have an awful relationship with my father. I could easily  be bitter but instead I choose to be grateful that my children will have wonderful relationships with their dad. Knowing that brings me much peace when I am hurting inside for my own dad.
12. I am a size 2 and 120 pounds but I struggle when I look in the mirror. I see someone much bigger.
13. I really don't have a comfort zone or boundaries. I have to remind myself that somethings aren't appropriate to say or talk about.
14. I was born and raised mormon. I love my religion and I am so grateful for the wonderful blessings it has brought me.
15. My mom is the most amazing woman I know. Seriously, do you know her? You should. She's fantastic!
16. I don't like reading parenting books. It makes me feel like I'm doing it wrong.
17. I'm terribly clumsy. Especially in the kitchen. But it's fun and makes my Rob smile :)
18. I love to have Rob play with my hair. LOVE it. It puts me right to sleep.
19. I would love to have 6 or 7 kids.
20. When I was little I had a fear of vomit. Being a preschool teacher and mom gets rid of that fear fast!
21. I was 9 months pregnant on my 21st birthday. My birthday was my due date! How cool is that?! Car came 3 days late though :)
22. I love change. I welcome it! In fact, I thrive on it. I get tired when everything is always the same.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Lows and highs

Have you read my sister-in-laws blog? If you haven't, you should. She's a doll. Anyway, she did a high and low post and I am going to copy her. My highs and lows from the week are as followed....

Ending my weekend in Utah on very bad terms with my father

Carson having a cold

Having to go to the doctor twice

Getting a migraine from crying (Thanks dad)


Carson saying a new word everyday!

Being back home with my Rob and sleeping in our bed!

Nice cold weather. I love it. Hot chocolate anyone?

Putting up Halloween/Fall decorations

Seeing lots of commercials

My mom bringing me lunch 2 times this week

Birthday shopping for Mr. Car :)