Tuesday, October 30, 2012


A couple of weeks ago we got to enjoy having Rob's parents here and all to ourselves! They drove up here from Phoenix and stayed for a week. While we were here we took them to a pumpkin patch! (Seriously, click on the link, it's the cutest pumpkin patch!) It was a perfect day weather wise. Sunny and clear with just a slight chill in the air. Carson loved running around, Rob loved looking for the perfect pumpkins and the Ganems enjoyed the beautiful fall leaves and spending time with their grandson. We've had our pumpkins out on our front porch and last night we carved them for FHE. Carson loved picking out all of the guts! I was surprised that it didn't totally gross him out! Here are some pictures of our pumpkin patch trip and carving them...

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Trip to Phoenix

We just got back from a glorious, 11 day vacation in Phoenix. That's where Rob was born and raised so all of his family is there. We stay at his parents house and it's really nice because they have lots of room, a huge pool and we get to spend lots of time with the family. We skype pretty much weekly with Rob's parents so Carson knows who they are. It was so precious to see him run to his nanny and give her a big hug. I may have teared up a bit :)

While we were there we enjoyed, swimming, eating lots and lots of delicious food. (We may have brought a few extra pounds home with us. Seriously) Rob's younger sister, Shar volunteered to babysit all 3 boys so we could go to the temple as a family and perform sealings. It was a really special experience. I loved being across the alter from Rob again and being reminded of the special promises made to us. I am so grateful that we were married in the temple and that Carson and our future children are sealed to us forever.  I also got to visit with my auntie that moved to Az! It was so nice to be able to see her and and my cousins and get to visit for a while!

Carson loved playing with his cousins, Lincoln and Jack. Lincoln is 14 months older than Carson and Car is 13 months older than Jack! It's fun having them each a year apart but it does get a little crazy with a 1, 2 and 3 year old! It was really cute, the first night we were there all the family came over for pizza and wings. Carson and Lincoln were sitting at the kid table eating their pizza when all of the sudden we heard them just cracking up. You know what was so funny? They were saying, "poop." The 2 boys thought it was hilarious and kept saying poop and laughing. It was pretty funny and such a cousin thing. It might sound silly but seeing them get along and bond warmed my heart. Even it was from the word, poop :)

Is there anything better that being an aunt?! I LOVE my nephews so much! There is nothing better then hearing my nephew say, "Love you Aunt Mandy." I loved cuddling baby Jack and getting tackled by Lincoln.   I love that he is old enough to remember us now but it makes it so hard to say goodbye. Love and miss you so much Lincoln and Jackson!

Rob and I both agree that this was one of the best times we've had with his family. We loved every minute of it and were so sad to say goodbye to everyone. Luckily, Rob's parents are coming up here in a couple of weeks!

We love you Mom, Dad, Suzie, Nate, Lincoln, Jackson, Andrew, Noelle, and Sharlene! We had such a good time with you all and miss you!!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Angels watching over me (Or in this case, Carson)

I was standing at the stove making dinner and Carson was playing is his room when I heard the sound no mom ever wants to hear. A loud crash and a scream came out of my child that I've heard before. I don't think I have ever ran that fast in my life. As I got to his room this is what I see...

Carson was sitting to the left of the dresser and his toes were under the second drawer. He was screaming. I lifted the dresser of of him, scooped him and called Rob who had just left for work. The conversation went like this:
R: Hello?
M: I think Car just broke his toes
R: What?
M: The dresser fell on him and his toes were under it
R: Okay, what do they look like?

It's at this point that I realize Carson got out of my arms and went back to playing with his toys. He was looking at the dresser saying, "Fik it." (Fix it) I looked at his toes, wiggled them a bit and he was totally fine. Not a scratch, dent, bruise, no swelling and he's walking just fine.

M: Never mind, he's fine. 
R: Are you sure?
M: Ya, he's totally fine, playing and giggling.

Rob asked me if I was okay, I told him we were fine and to have a good night at work. We got off the phone, I put the dresser back up and went back to making dinner. 

I had to take a minute to sit down. My heart hurt from beating so fast. I needed to catch my breath. It all happened so fast. In the couple seconds it took me to get to his room I was imagining the absolute worst. Not knowing what you're going to find is terrifying. 

I found myself tearing up as I sat there thanking Heavenly Father for looking out for my sweet boy and keeping him safe. Someone was looking out for Carson. He likes to pull his clothes out of his dresser. I think he was reaching into the top drawer which is over his head and he must have pulled the whole thing down. He could have been climbing but he really isn't a climber. I am just amazed that he ended up next to it rather than the whole thing on top of him. 

As a mom of an almost two year old, I really try to keep my eyes on him all the time but it's impossible. Moms have to make dinner and go to the bathroom and we just can't have our eyes on them every second. I really believe that it's in these moments that their guardian angles swoop in and watch out for them for us. I am just so relieved that grateful that Carson wasn't hurt. Thank you angels, for watching out for my boy!!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Family update


Working hard as always. I love that about him. He works hard so we can play hard. He worked 108 hours in one week! The nice thing about his job is that over time is available but also that he doesn't have to work that much all the time. He works 5 days one week and 2 days the next week.(That's his schedule without picking up any OT) We love his short weeks!  It's so nice to have him home and all to ourselves! I don't know what I would do if he ever works a 9-5 M-F job. His hard work has payed off though. Car and I got to go down to Utah to see family and we'll be going to Phoenix next month! He has also been gardening a lot this summer. He has some massive cucumbers growing right now and we were able to eat some potatoes out of our garden as well! I have to say, it was really fun eating something that grew in your backyard! He's also been doing his mock draft for football and he and Car have enjoyed watching the preseason games together.


Just busy being a stay at home wife and momma. Carson and I took a trip to Utah with my brother, Tyler last month. All of my dad's family is down there and I feel like we don't get to see them enough so it was really great to be able to spend time with them. I miss them already! When I'm not chasing after a VERY busy, almost 2 year old or cleaning/doing laundry.....wait, that's all I do ;) But seriously, being an at home mom is really hard and it's easy to lose yourself. I'm going to go take some open classes at PNB next week. I am so excited/nervous and prepared to be very sore the next day. It's important to get "me time" as selfish as that sounds, but when I don't get a break I feel myself slipping back into depression and that is the last thing anyone wants. Luckily, I have an amazing hubby and he has been supportive and helpful and very willing to let me have time to myself or time to go out with girl friends.


Where to even begin? He is so busy. We probably hear him say, car, truck, choochoo, bus and plane a thousand times a day! He is OBSESSED with all things transportation. All day he plays with this cars and I am always finding them in weird places. My mom even found one of his little trucks in her bread drawer in her kitchen! He is a chatter box! He is always talking. Most of the things we understand but sometimes he goes off and we have no idea what he is saying, but he sure does :) He even talks in his sleep. Like his daddy :) He is a love and loves to give kisses and hugs and hold hands. Carson plays so hard during the day that he literally puts himself to bed at night. After dinner and bath he'll play for a bit and then grab his blankie, go sit in the rocking chair, say "amen!" and then walk into his room and wait by his crib. It's so cute. We love him!!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

My cute sister in law is doing this on her blog and I thought I would follow suit. It gives me something to blog about since our life isn't super exciting :) I also enjoy reflecting and remembering things as I go through these questions. Let's get started....

Growing up, teenage years:
*What activities did you participate in?  (Sports, dancing, music, arts, etc.)  Explain what you did with each activity.   Ballet, ballet, ballet. I danced ballet at Pacific Northwest Ballet School. Now let me elaborate on that. PNB was not a little studio located in a strip mall where you took a class once or twice and week and had a end of the year performance in a local church or school. PNB is one of the top ballet companies in the world. As a student and PNBS I was being trained to become a professional ballet dancer, preferably in their company. I had class 5 days a week, sometimes times more than one class a night. I started dancing on pointe at the young age of 11. We were expected to have our hair neatly pulled back into a bun, hairnet and all, which meant we had to have long hair and no bangs, have a clean leotard and tights and a specific type of technique shoe (ballet slipper) or pointe shoe. We had parent/teacher conferences twice a year and they would pretty much tell you if you had the body to be a ballet dancer or not. The ballet world is pretty ruthless. I danced in the world famous PNB Nutcracker 4 years in a row. Those are by far some of my best memories ever. Every year around Christmas time I listen to the Nutcracker music and still hear the counts in my head and it's hard for my body to not do the steps as well. I didn't recognize this back then, but I was pretty good. I was blessed with the right body type and very blessed with rare feet that look very pretty in pointe shoes. That being said, other girls were not nice to me. Oh, they were so mean and viscous and I thought it was because I was bad at ballet. I thought they didn't like me because I was bad. I can see now that it was jealousy but and the age of 14, you just don't understand that.  Despite all of that, I loved to dance. Loved it. I miss it so much sometimes. I know though, that if I had pursued a career in ballet that I would have never met Rob and I wouldn't be able to have kids until I was in my 40's. The years I did of ballet have left me with a love for dance and the arts, something that I can enjoy just for myself and put all my emotions into. I am also able to teach ballet. I LOVED teaching my preschoolers. I loved sharing my joy with them and seeing the sweet smiling faces on the little girls and they danced and felt so pretty. I also loved when they would perform for the parents. I loved seeing how hard they worked to remember all the steps and I loved seeing the proud faces of the parents as they watched their little dancers. Many of my memories are of the years I did ballet and I am SO grateful to my mom for driving me there and back everyday and supporting me. 

Ok, next queston...
*Who were your friends?  
I think back to each year of high school and each year there seems to be a different group of friends. Junior and senior year I had a pretty close knit group of girl friends. We had so many fun times. We called ourselves 'The Fab 4" but I'm pretty sure that sometimes there was 5 of us haha. We also had a little group called FML....Let me explain!!! The guys we hung out with called them selves Filthy Mormon Ninjas and they would prank on the weekends. Well we wanted to retaliate so we named ourselves The Fine Mormon Ladies. This was before FML meant something much different.  I loved these girls and their friendships and I have lots of fun memories and stories with them. 

*Did you have a girl/boy friend?
Do boyfriends in high school even count? Yes I had a boyfriend or two. Dating was fun. I really don't have much to say about it haha. It's funny to look back and remember how serious I thought those relationships were. Silly teenagers.

What did you like/dislike about school?
To be honest, I hated high school. I loved my friends but also hated all the crap that goes on in high school. The petty drama really took a toll on me and by senior year I was SO over it. Who isn't? I really don't understand when people say they wish they could go back. I would NEVER! I did have some amazing teachers though, some that I will never ever forget. Teachers that I think about often and sill inspire me. 

*What was your first paid job? 
Right Start Montessori! This job sort of just fell into my lap. My little brother went to preschool there and I was picking him up one day and his teacher/the owner of the school asked me if I wanted a job that summer. I said sure! I always loved little kids and wanted to be a teacher so this was perfect. This job turned into much more then a summer job. I worked there all years of high school. It was just a few hours after school everyday but on breaks and summers it was full time. When I turned 18 Debbie would let me take over. I absolutely loved this job. I learned so much and gained so much experience. I will forever be grateful to Debbie for giving me that job and keeping me and I still think about those sweet kids and the cute things they would do and say. What I loved about working at a Montessori preschool was watching the kids learn. You would have a kid that was just learning letter sounds and by they end of the year they were full on reading. I love that. I love seeing kids learn and shine and I love that I got to be a part of that. 

Monday, June 25, 2012

Dear Carson-Boy, I just wanted to write you a little note telling you how much I love you. You are such a joy to everyone. You are such a happy little boy. And yes, you're a little boy. You're 20 months old. Almost a 2 year old. Where, oh , where has the time gone? You are growing up and learning so much everyday. You are a chatty little boy and you love to talk. If you're not talking you're making silly noises or making car noises. "Vroom vroom" is probably your most favorite phrase. You are OBSESSED with cars. And the way you say cars is so cute. It sounds like 'kuys' kinda like guys but with a K. You also love trucks or "tuks" as you call them, and you love choo-choos and wowwows. (Ambulance, police cars, fire trucks) You call them wowows because that's the sound they make! :) 

You are my sunshine, my light, my love, my joy, my everything! Nothing brings me more joy then getting to be your mom. I love that I get to be with you all day. You are so happy and good that I honestly miss you when you're sleeping! You are an amazing little person, my boy, and your mama loves you more then you will ever know. Thank you for letting me be your mom. I love love love you forever. 

Saturday, June 16, 2012

As of May 29th we have been married for 3 years! It sounds so funny to me to say that. 3 years seems like such a short amount of time. I feel like it's been much longer. I know that sounds bad but I really don't mean it in a bad way. I was talking to my amazing in-laws about it while we were in Florida and my father in law mentioned how when your meant to be together it seems like you've always been together. That's how it's always been for Rob and I. We were best friends since the first day we were together. I was worried, since he was a missionary when I met him, that when we could actually be together it might be awkward. That wasn't the case. I had never felt happiness like I felt when we were together. I also had never felt heart break like I did when I had to go back to Washington. (I went and visited him in Phoenix) It was a literal ache in my heart. Just remembering it now makes me cry. That was over 4 years ago and so much has happened since then. We got married, lived in 2 different apartments, had a baby, gone on lots of trips, bought our first home. We've had ups and we've had downs but at the end of the day, I am so glad it's Rob I get to do these things with. He his mine and I am his. We GET each other. He gets my weird sense of humor and laughs and my craziness. I get his need to always have a project to work on and support that. We really are perfect for each other. I am so blessed to have him as my husband. I am so grateful that he fell in love with me and asked me to be his wife. I love you forever and ever my babe!! I can't wait to see what the next billion years have in store for us :)

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Last weekend we spent a lot of time doing yard work. I was mostly squatting and the following days to come had increasing pain in the ball of my foot. I mostly ignored it as I was a dancer and pretty used to pain in the feet. I mean, I used to dance on pointe with broken toes so a little foot pain in nbd to me. Well, it got to the point of not being able to drive and barely being able to walk. The pain was waking me up at night. I went to the doctor and he said to stay off it and ice is as much as possible! That is so impossible!! It's really hard for me because I can't stand when my house is messy. I really, really bothers me. And also, I have a 19 month old. Enough said. Rob has been helpful but he worked all weekend and since he works nights, he sleeps during the day. Luckily, I have stayed off of it some and it is feeling much better. My house is a disaster but I need to be able to walk on my foot because.....


Okay, I'm a little excited. I have never been to Disney. I am fully prepared to let the 4 year old girl in me out. I'm also super excited because we're going with Rob's family and it's always nice to see them and get to spend time with them. It is also our anniversary that week and we spent our honeymoon in Florida so it will be fun to be back there and the same time of year. Happy 3 years babe! (More on that later)

Not much else has been going on here lately. The weather has been absolutely beautiful so we've been spending a lot of time outside. Carson is awesome as usual and talks non stop. He still has his baby language where he just babbles but he also is putting together 3 and 4 word sentences. He will also repeat pretty much any word we tell him to say. I love that little boy so much!  

Here are some pictures of our recent happenings....

Carson was being naughty and spent some time in timeout

Out and about and Car with his chicken nugget

Wearing Rob's flip flops

One of our 6 Rhododendron bushes 

Car's sippy in my cup holder because I was tired of him throwing it

Enjoying the sunset outside

It amazes me that he sleeps 

Friday, May 4, 2012

I wanted to say Thank You to everyone who commented or sent me personal messages/emails on my last post. I really and truly appreciate all of your kind words and support. And just so you know, we would never make a decision that big based on pressure. We continually pray about things like that and trust in our Heavenly Father to help guide us. I am so grateful for the gospel and grateful for a loving father in heaven who knows us. How amazing is that? He knows us each and loves us and is so willing to help us out. I see blessings in my life everyday and I know without a doubt that he hears our prayers. We might not get an answer right away but he does hear us and he does answer us.

Again, thank you so much for your kind words! Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

All through out my life I've had moments where I've felt left out. I'm pretty sure we all have. Some of those times were when I couldn't play with my brother and older kids outside because I had to come in and take a nap. Or when I was the only with a ZERO interest in pokemon cards. I know, I could have pretended to like them and traded cards and what not but seriously, I had no desire to and I just didn't see what the fuss was all about. I was literally the only kid in both 4th grade classes that wasn't trading cards during recess time. I went and swung by myself. Some other times I felt left out where when I was the only one who didn't go to a birthday party because it was on Sunday or I was the only one wearing a shrug over my homecoming dress. Looking back at these moments I realize they were pretty insignificant.

I've reached a point in my life where I'm feeling like that again. Why? Because I'm not pregnant right now and it seems like EVERYONE is. Okay, okay, I know that not everyone is but so many people I know are and 2 of my closest friends are. I feel like now that Carson is 18 months it's time to start  making another one. I wish I didn't feel this pressure but it comes from people around me being pregnant who have kids younger than Carson and it also comes from church. I feel like were the only family with 1 kid. I KNOW a lot of other couples have felt this way too.

Want to know something? Something that makes me feel selfish? The reason I'm not pregnant right now? Because I'm scared. I was so sick last time. Like, really really sick. Loosing 20 pounds in 6 weeks sick. I'm afraid of being that sick and having to take care of Carson. He's not one to sit and watch tv so I have to ALWAYS be watching him. Want to know why else? We're going to Disney World this month and I want to enjoy it. I want to be able to go on the rides and not spend the whole time in the bathroom. That one makes me feel so guilty. Another reason? Carson is so amazing. Seriously, he is so good and easy and we haven't wanted to change that. Our little life is stressful at times but for the most part, pretty simple and peaceful. What if our next baby has colic or is a lot more difficult then Car was? Could I handle that? Oh and remember my PPD? Ya, worried about that too.

All those things make me feel so guilty. But this is where we are right now. Just the 3 of us.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Happy Birthday, Rob!!

Rob is turning 25! Yay for insurance going down! ;) I love you so much, Rob. Thank you for being such an amazing, loving husband and father. Carson and I just absolutely adore you.

Here are 25 facts about my man....

Bed size:  Queen
Chore that you dislike:  Putting laundry away
Dogs:  He'd like one someday
Essential start to your day:  Breakfast/protein shake
Favorite color:  Red
Gold or silver: Doesn't really care
Height: 5'8
Instruments you play:  Guitar
Job title: EMT
Kids:  Carson :)
Live:  Washington
Mother's name:  Kathy
Nicknames: Rob, Robby, Roberto, Louis (I call him my his middle name)
Overnight hospital stays:  One when Carson was born. He stayed with us
Pet peeves:  People who are late. He HATES lateness.
Quote from a movie: Hmm...not sure as he isn't much of a tv or movie watcher
Right or left handed:  Righty
Siblings:  Suzie, Andrew, Sharlene and inlaws, Nate, Noelle, Tyler, Mack
Travel ideal:  He would love to go to Alaska
Underwear:  Yep
Vegetable you dislike:  Oh man, he loves veggies. He even likes beets.
What makes you run late: Nothing. He HATES lateness.
X-rays you've had:  Lot's on his mouth and when he cut his thumb off.
Yummy food that you make:  Anything cooked on the grill
Zoo animal:  Penguins 

For his birthday we had some of our friends and cousins come over. We had lots of yummy food and enjoyed visiting and playing games. I think we had 10 people here. It was so much fun to hang out with adults! Carson was amazing and worked the party until it was 7:30 and then he went to bed without a peep. Love that boy. On Sunday, his actual birthday, we wen to the baptism I mentioned before and then went over to my mom's for root beer floats. It was a great weekend and I am so glad that Rob enjoyed it and felt special for his birthday because let's face it, he is special. Happy birthday my lover! I love you!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Deeper thoughts

Sometimes, things happen, and I want to blog about them but then I talk myself out of it because I don't want it to create issues but then I think to myself, who cares? It's my blog right? I seriously go back and forth with these thoughts all the time. I would like to blog about some of the said issues because it would give me a place to vent and also give me some support from some of my fellow blog readers. BUT at the same time, some of my fellow blog readers might not like what I have to say. ANYWAY................

Not much has been happening here lately. Just enjoying some of the sunny days we've had. Oh and all of our trees and bushes are starting to bloom and everything is PINK!!!!!!! It makes me happy :)

This weekend is going to be busy but fun. We have a birthday party for BJ's daughter, a little family get together after that and on Sunday,  Rob's birthday, Rob is baptizing one of the little girls I used to nanny. We are both so excited for this event. Rob said that will be the best present. It's also special that they share the same birthday :) We love their family so much and are so honored to be able to be apart of such a special day.

We're also excited for this summer and some of the plans we have. We'll be going to DISNEYWORLD the end of May. We'll be there for our anniversary and I couldn't think of a better way to spend it! The trip is for Rob's little sisters graduation trip. It's just an added bonus that it falls on our anni. We're also going to Lake Roosevelt for 4th of July with some of Rob's cousins and some of our good friends in Phoenix are also planning on coming and spending some time with us this summer too! (It kills me that friends are going to come see us and family isn't and doesn't plan too) It's going to be a fun summer!

Well I hope everyone has a great rest of the week and a great weekend as well! Thanks for reading my random, scattered posts. Oh and did you like my little passive aggressive insert? If it confused you, reread the first paragraph ;)

Monday, April 2, 2012

Happiness is

Today was a happy day
Woke up to the sound of my child talking and playing in his crib
My husband lay asleep next to me
The sun was shining in my bedroom window and birds were chirping
After our morning routine we ran errands
Picked up a take and bake pizza
Came home and Carson napped
Rob and I enjoyed lunch outside
Just the 2 of us
We sat looking at our backyard
And talked about all the things we want to do with it
Take out that bush over there
Put a kiddie pool right there
Build a swing set there
It was like a mini date
It was heaven
After lunch I sat in the sun and read
Rob dug stuff up
I came inside with tan lines
THAT made me REALLY happy
Car woke up and we took him outside
He chased kitty
Played with the hose
Rubbed his hands in some dirt
And followed his daddy around
Again, it was heaven

Now, Rob is at work
Carson is fed and bathed
Soon he'll go to bed
And I'll clean up a little
Then take a bath
And paint my nails

I love my family. I love my life. God is good and we are truly  blessed.


Remember this post? I was so afraid to get off my happy pills. Well, right around Christmas time I started lowering my dose. (It had been about a year that I had been on them) Within a few weeks I was completely off of them and let me tell you, I feel great! I did have a few outburst in the first few days but that didn't last long. I actually think that the pills numbed me a little. For example, I watch shows like 'A Baby Story' and 'One Born Every Minute' all the time. Before I loved when the babies were born but now when I watch those shows I cry happy tears when the babies are born. It is just such a sweet moment and I can't help but cry. I think the pills sort of blocked out any kind of extreme emotion be it happy or sad. I'm so much more of a sap these days but that is totally fine with me. I feel so blessed that it was an easy transition and I really do feel great. I'm sure I will have my moments when I feel the depression creeping back in but for now, I am happy and life is good. 

Friday, March 9, 2012

15 (maybe) for Friday

Our master bathroom is finally finished! There were some really squishy spots in the floor, which meant rotten wood, so we had to get the floor redone. It took 2 days. I know that's not so bad but the mess and unfinishedness of it really bothered me. Thankfully, it is all done and the floor is brand new and not squishy :)

Were got a new bed! It will be delivered tomorrow and I can't wait. Our current mattress is causing me a lot of back pain. I am too young for that! We are getting a memory gel mattress. Heaven!

You know what's funny to me? How families have their own names for their nether regions. Lately, Carson has been putting his hand down there when I change his diaper. What comes out of my mouth is usually something along the lines of, "Car, stop grabbing your willy!" Now, when I change him he says, "Wiyee." So there you have it, our family calls it a willy. Or, in Carson's case, a Wiyee. Oh the joys of little boys :)

All 3 of us have been sick this week. A man cold, a baby cold and a mom cold. Oh you aren't familiar with the mom cold? It's when mom is sick but it doesn't matter because she's the mom and has things to do and people to take care of. Good thing we're so tough! Carson is so amazing though. He has never been truly sick. With  this cold he is his usual happy, normal self (most of the time) but just doesn't have much of an appetite and sleeps more. Rob's was pretty bad too but his is pretty much gone now. Get out of our home sickness!

Um, can it be spring already? I am so excited to see what our bushes and plants will bloom into! We also have a few huge rhododendron bushes in our front and back yard and I can't wait to see what color they are! It's kind of fun moving into a house in the dead of winter. Waiting for the flowers and plants to bloom is like waiting to open a present!

My little brother got to do a drum performance at his school the other night. We wanted to go but with the colds we stayed home. My mom posted a video of a few minutes of the performance on facebook. It totally made me cry! Like a lot! They were "hot proud tears" as one of my aunts would say :) It was just so cool to see him doing that! Oh man, can you imagine how bad I'll be when I see my own children shinning?  I'll be the most embarrassing mom ever! I can't wait!

Have I mentioned how easy of a kid Carson is? Seriously, he is making it way too easy for us and setting the bar so high for his siblings! He gets to have a binky when he goes to bed. As soon as I go to get him out of bed in the morning he hands it to me with a smile on his face. I love that he knows that he doesn't get it during the day and that is isn't an issue. Like I said, too easy. Kind of makes it scary to think about more kids....

Speaking of that little boy....he doesn't have a shy bone in his body. I love that he is friendly but don't love that  he just wanders off in church, goes through peoples purses, takes their cell phone and pretends to talk on it, plays with mens watches, touches peoples shoes, oh I could go on and on. It would be nice if he would just stay my me or Rob but no, this kid loves everyone and too him, everyone is his best friend. Okay, it's really really cute but as he gets older I'll have to teach him some serious stranger danger.

Well, that's all for now. That wasn't 15 but that's what you get! Have a great weekend!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Who I am

Do you know that I love maple bars?
Do you know that sometimes I just want to go to the store alone but when I do I really miss that cute little boy in the seat of the cart?
Do you know that I hate foot skin? If Rob's feet touch me I pretty much leap 60 feet.
Do you know that Michelle Duggar really inspires me?
Do you know that I hate the words moist, secrete, trifecta and intercourse?
Do you know that I have body image issues?
Do you know that I hate being in the rain and that I don't find anything romantic about kissing in the rain?
Do you know that the smell of onions makes me want to puke?
Do you know that my mom has always been on my side even when I thought she wasn't?
Do you know that I would love to have at least 5 kids?
Do you know that I have sweet teeth? It's beyond just a sweet tooth.
Do you know that there is nothing I love more than my son?
Do you know that I have trust issues?
Do you know that the word 'fart' always makes me laugh?
Do you know that I am typing this on my iPhone?
Do you know that I am randomly going to do posts just like this one?


We are officially all moved into our house! It's been a bit stressful but we are moved in and it is feeling like home. I still can't get over how much space we have. We have a living room and a family room. The living room is completely unused. I would like to get a sectional couch to have in there but it will still probably go unused. As much as I love having space I'm not loving cleaning. It's so much more work! Just vacuuming the family room takes more than it did to vacuum my whole apartment. We are so loving it though. The space is great for Carson too. And we have a huge backyard! Of course, we haven't been able to play in it of course. Thank you, weather. It's currently hailing. But come spring and summer we will be out there all the time! I want to get Car a swing set :) I'm going to post a couple of teaser pictures. I need a new battery for our camera so I was only able to take these on my phone. Keep in mind that the living room hasn't been painted yet and is still unfinished.

Here ya go!

Part of the living room. 

Car's room

Car's room. (Can you spot the baby?) 

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Posts are on the way

I have been very absent from this little bloggy blog lately! We have been BUSY! I have lots to blog about so stay tuned!


Thursday, January 19, 2012

Womp womp

You don't have to read this if you don't want too. It will probably  be pretty Debbie Downer-ish.

Anyway, we are moving out of our apartment this weekend!! Woohoo!! We aren't moving into our house yet though. Still waiting for the paperwork. We will be crashing with my generous mama. I feel so bad that my family of 3 is going to be staying there but she is so willing to help us out and I am so thankful to her for that! It's been awhile since she's had a one year old in the house, hope she's ready ;)
 Back to moving out. It has snowed like crazy. I'm am SO not looking forward to moving in the snow!! Eww cold! Well, it's not like I'll be moving anything. Just standing there bossing the boys around suggesting what should go where. Luckily, we got a storage unit for super cheap so we don't have to cram my moms place with all our shtuff. I am do done with apartment living. We paid our very last rent check earlier this month. Woohoo! Our next payment will be our mortgage!! Ha! I'm excited about that now....

Moving on. Have any of you ever had to deal with Restless Legs Syndrome? It is HORRIBLE!!! I usually can't get to sleep until around 4:30 or 5:00 in the freaking morning!! The worst part is how badly it drives me crazy. It's such an annoying feeling. I've increased my iron and vitamins, I don't drink caffeine late in the day, I've been eating more bananas for the potassium but none of that has helped. I don't want to take any prescription drugs as they cause day time sleepiness and possible dependency.    Also, I'm off my happy pills and that has been a major adjustment. It would be so easy to just get back on them but I am trying really hard to be aware of my feelings and talk myself out of the depression. It isn't easy.

 I am so grateful for the gospel. I have praying with all my might and I can see the many blessings that I have and I can feel the Lord helping me and helping us.

Sorry for all the complaining. I'll try to post something happier next time!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

A quick post from Arizona

Hi friends! I thought I would do a quick update here in Phoenix. We have been having so much fun! Eating lots of pizza and wings, having wii tournaments and just enjoying quality time with family and friends. Oh and as I'm typing I can look out the window to the right of me and see the beautiful, WARM sunshine and blue skies. It has been lovely, and a little hot weather.
Well there is a little sneak peak of our trip! I will blog all about it when we are home next week!! (If I get time as we'll have to be packing up to move into our house!)