Friday, February 25, 2011

Miss this

Carson just 7 hours old

Sleep talker

My Rob is a sleep talker. The first time I got to experience his random nightly talks was on our honeymoon. He was talking about opening the curtains so he didn't have to leave my bedside at the hospital.....

We had this conversation a few nights ago:
Rob: There is only one hole for it and that's all you get!
Me: For what?
Rob: Heads or tails
Me: Who are you playing with?
Rob: The indians on that team.

And my favorite...this was last week

R: Mama loves to spank me
M: Um What??!!!
R: Grandma loves to spank me too
M:...ummm why??
R: The scripture dropped
M: What? Where?
R: (He's annoyed at this point) In the laundry basket!!!

You can't make this stuff up! Lucky for me I have had the privilege to be awake when he is saying these things. I fall back asleep laughing. I wonder if Carson will talk in his sleep? He giggles in his sleep :)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Top 10 moments in my life so far

-The first time I performed in The Nutcracker. The stage was my happy place.
-The day my little brother was born. I was 10. He brought such a new joy and happiness to our family.
-The day I met my amazing husband. I get butterflies just thinking about it :)
-The day that husband told me he was in love with me.
-The day I went through the temple. Amazing.
-The day Rob and I were sealed. Forever.
-The day I found out I was pregnant.
-The day we found out it was a boy!
-The moment my beautiful son came into this world.
-The first time that son of mine looked me in the eyes and smiled at me.

What are you top 10?

(These aren't in order, that't why I didn't number them)

Getting real.

Ok, time to open up.
About a year ago Rob and I really started to struggle. We were not getting along. At all. It was so hard. Both of us were unhappy. We were so conflicted and confused. We knew what we were supposed to be together. We knew that Heavenly Father brought us to each other for a reason and we knew that we were sealed for time and all eternity. To question that is not fun. It's pretty heartbreaking actually. We felt so disconnected and distant from each other. We were growing apart and we were growing apart fast. I didn't know what to do. Rob didn't know what to do. We were both having thoughts of calling it off. Finally after many, many tears, fights, making up and then fighting the next day we went to see the bishop. He referred us to a counselor. I made the appointment. At first I was a little reluctant and skeptical but then I decided to be open minded because I love my Rob and I wanted to make it work. Rob was a little reclucant too.
We have been in counseling for 6 weeks now and we have never been better. I think the issue was, we are both very young and really didn't know how to be married. Our communication was really. We have now learned how to communicate better with one another and listen much better. I have never been happier in this relationship and neither had Rob. We feel so close and so in love. We still have disagreements sometimes but we both know how to work it out and get over and smile and be happy. I know without a doubt that Rob is supposed to be my eternal companion and the father of my children. I am grateful that we are getting through this now. I know that as we go through life we will run into many more struggles and trials but we will face them together.

Married friends: Have you ever been through this? What do you do when you are having problems? How do you reconnect that love?

Monday, February 7, 2011


I woke up and saw that Rob had left me with this little scavenger hunt. 1. Where the games are played---the TV
2. Where the 2% never gets cold (inside joke)---the fridge
3. Where the baby plays---Carson's play gym
4. Where I write stuff down---notebook

When I opened it up I had this wonderful letter :) I love him