Tuesday, November 9, 2010


With it being November many people are posting something they're thankful for every day. It got me thinking about the things I am thankful for. Of course there are very obvious one but I started thinking about all the little things I am thankful for. Here are my lists

Obvious things to be thankful for
-My Rob
-My Carson
-My mom and brothers
-Rob's family
-The gospel
-The temple
-The scriptures
-Our bishop (He is amazing!)
-Our home
-Rob's job
-Our friends
-The knowledge that my family will be together forever
-Breastfeeding Carson
-Good health

Little things
-My breast pump so Rob can get up with Carson at night and feed him so I can sleep
-A daily shower
-Yummy smelling candles
-Christmas time
-My slippers
-Warm baths
-Nursing bras
-stretch mark cream
-The smell of my baby

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Carson thinks I'M his pacifier.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

It has been 19 days since our sweet baby came into our family and life is truly wonderful. Really it is! Carson sleeps for 3 and half too 5 hours at night. It's great!It kinda freaks me out when he sleeps for 5 hours but I can't complain about getting sleep! Rob has really amazed me since we've had Carson. He is a natural!He LOVES being a dad and he loves his baby boy. He is so hands on with him and involved. He is wonderful to me as well. He'll gladly take Carson off my hands so that I can have some "Mandy time" when he gets home from work. I love it because after a long day of nursing and changing diapers, as much as I love it, (really) it's nice to be able to take a bath and read my book and just have a few minutes to myself. Rob is constantly asking if he can get me anything or if I need anything. A few days after we brought Car home he even went to the store for me to get the..."supplies" a mommy needs just after she has a baby. How sweet is that?! Oh I love him so much! I LOVE my little family!!

Carson is doing awsome! He is already 10 pounds 2 ounces and almost 23 inches! Yes I feed him buttermilk ;) I love him soooooo so so much. I miss him when he is sleeping and sometimes I'll go and just watch him sleep. He is so beautiful and SUCH a good baby. He only cries when he is hungry. At his Dr. appointment yesterday he did so well. He didn't cry at all and when they did his 2nd PKU he didn't cry! I was stressing out about it because they had to poke my baby and squeeze blood out of his foot! Carson did better then I did :) I love that I am able to stay home with him. I love every minute of it. I LOVE MY LITTLE ETERNAL FAM!!!