Friday, November 18, 2011

I got this idea from little miss momma.

I'm weird because
I sleep in socks
I like to dip toasted, buttered bagels in tomato soup
The smell of onions makes me gag
I HATE grocery shopping
Carson has stinky feet but I still kiss them every time I change his diaper or clothes
I check on Carson every night before I go to bed
I usually takes me much longer to fall asleep than it takes hubster
I'm not afraid to pee in front of hubster or my friends
I like our room to be really cold when we go to bed
I make hottie hubster roll over when he is snoring
I dance and sing out in public
Vacuuming makes me happy
I like to watch TV with the volume really quiet
I think burping is more gross than farting

I'm a bad friend because
I forget to respond to text messages
I don't always comment back on FB
I sometimes cancel playdates/ plans

I'm a good friend because
I never judge
I give advice but don't expect them to take it if they don't want to
I will love your kids and do anything for them
I just want to see you happy
I'll rescue you in stressful times

I'm sad because
Carson is growing up so fast
I can't hold my newest nephew until January
Our family is in several different states and we don't get to see them very often

I'm happy because
I have a strong, healthy husband and a strong, healthy son
Carson knows who Jesus is and recognizes him in pictures
Rob has Christmas weekend off
We get to go to Phoenix in January to spend time with Rob's family
We have some really really exciting changes happening in our life right now!!

I'm excited for
See above :)
New season of Teen Mom 2 
Going to costco this afternoon with my mom
Christmas time! Music, cold weather, giving, decorating, reading Christmas stories, watching Christmas movies, being in awe of Mary and the true meaning of Christmas.

Your turn!

1 comment:

  1. Changes? Excited to hear what all the excitement is about :)
