Monday, March 8, 2010

Fear #878,687,543,887

Okay maybe not THAT many but I have a lot of ridiculous fears that have been coming along with this pregnancy. I'll share just a few of them....if it's TMI for you, I apologize.

First one: I've now lost 12 pounds and I think my baby is eating my insides because I haven't been able to feed it enough. I know it is totally not happening but I just have this image of the tiny bean sized baby chomping away on my uterus. Crazy right? It gets better.

Second one: I'm afraid that when I "go potty" I might push the baby out. Isn't that how you're supposed to push when you're in labor? Gross I know, but still its a thought.

Third one: What if I poop when I really am in labor and pushing baby out. How disgusting would that be? I would be MORTIFIED!!!!!

Fourth one: This one is legit. There is a very strong possibility that I could be allergic to the epidural. I'm allergic to pretty much everything else. Can you imagine being in labor and then being coverd head to toe in a horrible itchy rash? I would like to go natural but we'll see. If Michelle Duggar can do it 19 times I can do it right? I'm tough! I've walked around with SEVERE cramps and migraines and no one even knew!

So those are just a FEW of my fears. I know they're very silly but come on, do you know who I am? :) All in all I just want a healthy baby.


  1. You crack me up! Have you even seen my blog during the pregnancy? Talk about psycho-crazy lady! lol!

    Let me dispel a couple of your concerns. 1 - You can't poop your baby out. It may feel like it but there are a few things that will NOT allow you to do it. Ask your mom or anybody really that has given birth. I'm totally up for it too. And 2 - when you're in the delivery stages (labor is just major contractions...) you'll find that you don't give a darn (feel free to insert real word) WHAT is going on down there, just get the BABY OUT! Trust me. And one more thing? The people who will be helping you deliver? There is absolutely NOTHING they haven't seen before. NOTHING.

    In reading over this... I may sound like a know-it-all. I don't mean to. I just gave birth 10 days ago so it's still fresh in my mind. Besides, all those fears/concerns? They were very real to me until it was time. Then *poof* - gone.

    Love you Mandy!

    Btw... it might be a good idea to get a blessing from your hubby. At least one of comfort. Brant administered to me a few times and it really helped.

  2. You know what? When you're pregnant you're allowed to have as many fears as you want no matter how silly you might think they are. THERE IS A BABY GROWING INSIDE YOU and really, you don't have much say in the whole process. it just happens and the lack of control can bring about some strange fears. that is normal. did i ever tell you in the ninth month of my pregnancy with kali i got two tiny stretch marks right above and right below my belly button? of course my first thought is that she was trying to break out of my stomach through my belly button. we all have them. it just means that you already love your little one and want the best for them even if it may be out of your hands. you're a good mommy already :)
    also, try to keep this in mind...and you may want to pass this on to rob...a woman produces the same amount of hormones in the nine months she is pregnant that would take a regular, non-pregnant woman 150 years to produce. so basically for nine months we really do go crazy, but at least there's an explanation for it, and it'll go away...eventually.

  3. Jenny - I just told my husband the part of the 9 months of hormones vs. 150 years... His response? "Amen!"

