Friday, July 15, 2011

15 for Friday

I am in the process of blogging all about our vacation but you're going to have to wait for that one.

1. Carson is so happy to be home! I'm glad he knows this is home and he is happy here :)
2. Baby food with broccoli in it smells horrible!
3. Carson is getting his teeth in such random order. He has his top left tooth and the one next to it...not his other top tooth yet.
4. I am in serious need of some alone time. My eyebrows need plucking and my nails need painting but when I do get alone time all I do is read!
5. I really want to redecorate our living room.
6. I am very thankful for the power of prayer and the gift of the holy ghost.
7. Carson got a train whistle from Grandma Ganem in Colorado. Half the time he loves it, half the time he pretends to be afraid of it.
8. I am the worst mom ever. While holding Car today he leaned back just as I was walking into our bedroom and he hit the side of his head right on the corner of the door frame. He has a red mark and a bump :( I feel awful.
9. We got to see B and J yesterday!! We're so happy to be reunited with them :)
10. Rob and B are now going to be partners at work!!!! We are so thrilled!!!!!
11. My little brother really needs to shave his mustache
12. Summer weather has been pretty lame here so I'm ready for fall
13. Carson finds the most microscopic things to put in his mouth
14. Rob really wants to buzz his hair.....I'm not to thrilled about it

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you're home! :) And sorry you bumped Carson's head... can't tell you how many times I've done that with my own. No really, I can't. Too many times to count! Kidding. Kinda.

    Little bro needs a shave? Egads!
