Saturday, July 16, 2011

Dear 9 month old Carson

Dear Carcar,
 You are 9 months old and I can't believe it. Time has gone by so fast. I can't believe that in just three months you will be one year old.
 You are such a joy to be around and you are so funny! It has be son fun to watch your personality develop over the last few months. You are always makes us and yourself laugh. Your newest trick is sniffing. You take deep breaths in through your nose and then you smile because you are so pleased with yourself. You also signed "more" and that same day you actually said more! It's so cute. When you say it, it sounds like, "mah." You have started to slither around a lot. Your mode of transportation was rolling but now you have discovered that you can push yourself forward with your feet. I love watching you go!! You are so curious. You are constantly looking around and taking everything in. You hardly ever sit still. You just want to go go go!! You definitely have your daddy's energy. You are almost always happy. And when you do get fussy it is pretty easy to cheer you up. You are a great sleeper. When you're tired you rub your eyes and that let's me know that you are ready for a nap. I lay you in your crib and you put your blanket on your little nose and go right to sleep. I am obsessed with watching you sleep. I love seeing you so peaceful. You are an amazing eater. You like everything. Some of your favorites are yogurt, mixed garden vegetables, ritz crackers and water. I tried giving you some juice and you didn't want it. I'm grateful for that! You can have as much water as you want baby. You have made it impossible for me to wear necklaces but that's okay. You love taking baths!! As soon was we walk into the bathroom you start smiling and squealing and kicking. You say a lot of sounds. The ones we hear the most are, "bababaa" "dadada" "mmmmm"  and then of course all your squeals and toot noises :) You also really enjoy hitting toys together and hearing the sound it makes.
 You are so smart and incredible Carson boy. Your dad and I love you so much. You have tons of extended family who love you too. You are such a joy and light in our lives. I love you more then you will ever know.

mamama :)

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