Friday, September 16, 2011

Dear 11 month old Carson

September 16th, 2011

Oh my goodness my Carson boy! I cannot believe that you are 11 months old today! You have changed so much over the last couple of months. It is so fun to watch you learn and play. You are such a happy boy! My favorite time is when you wake up in the morning. It is so nice waking up to the sounds of my baby boy talking and playing. When I walk in your room to get you up you are standing in your crib and you are so excited to see me! I LOVE that. Usually when I walk in you yell, "Mommm!!" I let you play for awhile. Mornings is your most happy time of the day. After you play for a bit, you eat your breakfast. Getting you to eat has become kind of a chore lately. You would much rather be playing. You have also discovered that you can spit your food out. Although eating isn't your favorite activity right now these are some of your favorite foods at the moment: Whole wheat, blue berry waffles, greek yougurt, corn, mashed potatoes, peas, mac n cheese, fish crackers and string cheese. You prefer veggies over fruit and you still drink water like it's running out. Also, you are so over baby food. You are now only eating big people food :)

You LOVE other babies/kids. I am a nursery leader at church and I bring you in there with me. You love watching the older kids playing. Sometimes you'll be watching some kids playing and you'll just laugh and laugh. We take you to the mall sometimes to play at the play place. A little boy kept coming up to you and hugging you. You were in heaven. A little girl kept coming up to you and trying to push you down but you didn't mind. As far as you were concerned, you had made a new friend! She was also 2 years old but smaller then you so she was never actually able to push you down. I can't wait for you to be a big brother. I long for the day when we can give you a little brother or sister but that's just not in the cards for us right now. I know that we had your first for a reason. You will be the oldest sibling and you will be great at it!

Car, you are so close to walking!! You would much rather be standing than sitting. You pull yourself up on everything. You like to stand at the table and as your getting taller you are able to reach more. We have had to do a lot of baby proofing around here. You are almost able to pull out the outlet protectors now so we'll need to find a new solution for that. You don't do your army crawl anymore. You real crawl. It's cute but it's another reminder that you are growing up.

You are so fun to play with! You are really into copying us. We can make a noise and you mimic it. It's so cute! The other day you heard some ones tires squeal and you made a high pitch noise to match it! It was so funny! So many times you daddy and I find ourselves just watching you and laughing at how cute and funny you are! You have such a personality!!

Carson you love people! You will crawl up to anyone at church and play with their watch, the buttons on their suit and let anyone pick you up. When a stranger does pick you up, you don't cry for us. Instead you smile and giggle and touch their face or nose. I love seeing the joy you bring to other people. We had the missionaries over a few nights ago and you were in heaven! 2 new people in the house to climb on!

Carson boy, your dada and I love you so much. The last 11 months have been so amazing with you in our family! You are our special boy and we will love you forever. No matter what. Thank you for being such a sweet baby. I feel your love every minute. Thank you for loving me and dada. Thank you for letting us be your parents. We are so blessed to have you. Love love love you. Forever.


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