Friday, September 9, 2011

15 for Friday

1. I'm tired and crabby so this might be a lame post
2. I needed a lavender dress for my dad's upcoming wedding and I could not find one anywhere! So, I had this cute, white, cotton summer dress so I dyed it! It turned out perfect!
3. Carson gagged himself and threw up. He only does it when he is in his crib...I think he may be onto something. Oy!
4. I got to see one of my dear friends get sealed to her husband today in the temple. It was beautiful and I could not be more happy for them.
5. The weather has been unusually hot for September here. Like in the upper 80's and 90's. I do not like it. I am so ready for fall. I love the cool crisp air, the beautiful bright colored leaves and the fashion :)
6. Have you ever felt replaced by one of your friends? Or felt like you were always the one making the effort to hang out or even just talk to them? It's a sad feeling and I don't like it :(
7. We let Car play at the little play area at the mall a few days ago. He loved it! Mostly because he loves watching other kids and babies. This little girl (smaller than him) kept coming up to him and trying to push him over. She, for some reason did not like him. Carson thought it was hilarious though and smiled and giggled every time she came up to him.
8. I love reading. LOVE it.
9. I have been wanting to bake lately but it's so hot that I don't like to use the oven. Us Seattle folk don't have AC in our homes.
10. Carson is really into copying us lately. I'll make a noise he he mimics. It's so funny and cute!!
11. I am searching for the perfect pair of glitter pumps. I've seen a lot of pairs I like but I just can't seem to find the ones that speak to me.
12. I ran on the treadmill the other night and now my bum is sore.
13. Rob went fishing yesterday and caught a HUGE fish! 23 inches and about 7 pounds.
14. I am in serious need of some alone time. Time to myself. JUST ME. Cell phone off so no one can reach me (unless it's an emergency of course) I just feel like I give, and give and give and I am wearing out. I need some alone Mandy time to recharge.
15. I can't stop yawing. bye!

1 comment:

  1. Have you thought of modge-podgeing glitter onto a pair of fabulous pumps?
    I totally get the friend thing. To that I say, "ugh."
    Baking is my therapy... and I've been getting increasingly frustrated with the 80+ degree weather. Meh!
    I go to the beach for my alone time. Perhaps you should stick Car in the stroller and just walk and walk (but not like pioneer children.) OR you can let me watch him. Speaking of which, we need to do a playdate.
    Love you!
