Wednesday, March 16, 2011


We have been busy busy busy the last few weeks and it has been really fun! Here are some of the things we have been up to.

Hanging out with our friends B and J. Rob works with B and they are pretty good buddies. We went over to their house over the summer when I was preggers and then didn't get together again until after we had Carson. Well recently we have been hanging out a lot. I mean, pretty much every other day. It is so much fun! We all just click. It's like we have been friends forever. It is also really nice having friends with kids because they just get it. We don't have to feel bad when Car gets fussy because they totally understand. Rob and B are really good buddies and J and I totally hit it off. Her family is in town this week and we're having with drawls from each other ;) But seriously, we love them and their cute kids and we are grateful for their friendship.

We got to see the girls I used to nanny perform Irish Dance at the Seattle center! It was so much fun! I love these girls so much and seeing them perform was so special to me! I had to hold back tears when they first came out :) They were beautiful. It was fun to be in Seattle too. The center house is right next where I took ballet for 10 years. It brought back many wonderful memories.

I hate our couches. They look nice but they are not comfy AT ALL. They aren't the kind of couches you can kick back and lounge on. The other day Rob and I were at Fred Meyer and saw some beautiful couches on sale. I fell in love. I would have bought them right there on the spot if Rob let me. He told me that if I sold the couches we have now, then we can get the new ones. So what did I do? Sold the couches!! The only problem is, I sold them Tuesday night and we don't get the new ones until Friday so we have an empty living room of a few days. My friend J said that we can play leap frog and red roover with all the space we have now :) I am BEYOND excited for the new ones. I will post pics once they are here.

Carson is growing like crazy. He is 9 pounds 6 ounces and 27 inches long. He wears size 9 month clothes! He is so much fun! He has the funniest, happiest personality. And he is loud!! He loves to talk and hear his own voice. It is just so cute!! His newest trick is sucking his toes. He is such a joy. I love the spirit he brings into our home.

That is all I can think of right now. I know there is more but I have a yucky head cold and don't feel like thinking any more ;) I'll post again when I can smell and taste.

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