Thursday, March 31, 2011

My day

Wake up to have prayer with Rob and give him a hug and kiss before he leaves for work
Go back to sleep
5 minutes later Carson wakes up
Bring him into bed with me and give him a bottle
Carson eats and stays awake
Get up and put Carson on the floor to play
Carson cries
Pick Carson up
Sit on the couch with Carson
Carson cries
Text Rob and tell him Carson is crabby
I stand up, he stops
Walk around for a minute
Sit down
Carson cries
Stand up, he stops crying
Go into Carson's room to change him
He screams
Change poopy diaper
Put a new shirt on him
That's as far as we got for clothes
Pick baby up and walk around some more
Ignore text from Rob because I'm jealous that he isn't having to deal with this ( That's fair right?)
Try to put Carson down for a nap
No such luck
Eat lunch while holding baby
Check email while holding baby
Try to put Carson in bouncer so I can Shower
Ya right
Put Carson to bed with a bottle hoping he falls asleep
Hear him talking in his crib a few minutes later
Feel glad that he is content right now
He starts crying again
Get baby and hold him and walk around
Mom comes over and crabby baby is suddenly happy
Visit with mom for a bit
Starting to get hungry
Mom leaves
Try to order pizza
They say delivery time is an hour and a half
Cancel order
Become very crabby
Call Rob crying because I'm so frustrated
He texts me and says he couldn't do what I do.
That makes me feel better
Put baby to bed and let him cry for a few minutes
He gets tired
Give him baba
He sleeps :)

That was our day today. Carson was so crabby. He is teething and has been for a couple of months now. He is usually so happy so today was a change for us. He is sleeping peacefully now and he is just so precious. I want to go pick him up and snuggle him but I wont. He needs to sleep. He didn't get much of a nap today.
 As hard as today was, I wouldn't have it any other way. I love being Carson's mom. I love that I get to be home with him. I am also so grateful that Rob has the weekend off and J and I have a girls day in a few weeks!! Hello pedis and girl time!! Oh and btw, I felt bad for taking my stress out on my helpless husband and apologized. I love him. Good thing he loves me and is patient with me. I love my boys.


  1. I love the support we get from our soul-mate, when we are having a rough day or week or month! You are a terrific mother and have a wonderful family! You are especially great with kids and I completely understand having a crabby baby and it feels like they don't wanna have anything to do with you that day! I have had plenty of those with Jack! :S very frustrating! but the silver lining is that it only lasts for a little while, and they would not be able to do anything without you!! You are their support, their life support!
    I love those cuddly days! they totally make up for the crabby pants days! :) thats what i think of when Jack is crabby!! then i make him hug me! :)

  2. Sometimes a change in routine helps distract crabby babies. Rotate your toys so he's not bored with the ones he has. Also, take the baby into the shower with you. That's a life-saver right there.

    Mind if I come over with my boys next week? We'll have your mom come over and we can gab and fuss over babies. :)
